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Jackpot Digital (TSXV:JJ): Meet the company revolutionizing casino gaming

What does the future of casino gaming look like? Well, just imagine, for a moment, being on a cruise, playing the tables at the casino, and you hit a patch of rough waters. Well, Jackpot Digital, it seems, has thought of this. They signed a deal in 2017 with Carni...

Online-Meeting with Commerce Resources Corp

Commerce Resources Corp. would like to invite you to attend a Zoom meeting with Chris Grove (President) and Darren Smith (Ashram Project Manager). This is an excellent opportunity for shareholders and interested investors to ask questions in order to gain a more ...

Thematica: Battery Metals Report

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ConocoPhillips (COP): Playing the crack spread

There’s a lot of talk about diversification and asset allocation on this website, and rightly so. While diversification can limit large short-term gains, it also protects against large short-term losses. Since the markets tend to be unpredictable, it&CloseC...

How IoT is Disrupting Mining in a Major Way

Be long the disruptors, and short the disrupted. It's one of the biggest themes in the investment world over the past 10 years. You know you could have bought Netflix stock in 2002 for $1.07 per share? Today shares are worth over $320 per shar...

Oil speculators can profit from new Iranian sanctions

Growing up in Massachusetts, my mother used to say, "Live long enough, and you'll see just about anything happen in politics." And she was right. A wrestler, a standup comic, several movie actors, and former sports figures have been elected to office; t...

Playing the Whipsaws and the Stock Rebound Ahead Profitably

Bouncing off yesterday’s new 2020 intraday lows, the S&P 500 closed higher on the day. But what about today’s premarket action? The bulls didn’t add to their gains in the overnight trading. With the futures back below 2400, where...

Playing the Stock Rebound Ahead

The S&P 500 sank to new 2020 intraday lows yesterday, but staged a recovery in the closing hours. That’s what has happened in both preceding sessions. Will the gains finally stick one of these days? Let’s dive into the daily chart (chart cou...

The Hottest Startup Of 2020 Is Cleaning Up Your Commute

We've come a long way in a short time since ride-sharing emerged as a mainstream offering. Now, there's even an app that lets consumers participate in one of the biggest trends of the decade without leaving an environmental footprint. It's the app that does what Uber and ...

The Metal Trump Wants More Than Gold

China has a monopoly on one of the most strategic metals on the planet, and Washington is anxious to change that. Global dominance at this point in the game means control of the rare earths elements that form the backbone of existing technology and the future of technology...
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