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Blackrock Swings for the Fences at Silver Cloud

I first talked about Blackrock in March of last year . They had done a deal with Carl Pescio on what they call the Silver Cloud gold project. The project is next to the high-grade Hollister Gold Mine and near the high-grade Midas mine in Northern ...

Blackrock Swings for the Fences for Gold in Nevada

I finished my latest book in January. It took another month to get the layout and a cover made just right for it. Since that time about ten thousand people have bought the book or downloaded the Kindle version for free. It is one of the highest rated books I have ever...

The Gold Play That’s Poised for a Breakout 2022

With the spot price of gold hovering around USD$2000 and inflation soaring, savvy metals & mining investors are looking for real value and opportunity in the precious metals exploration space. And, it’s gold that has historically provided the most proven tra...

Exclusive CEO Interview, Thomas Ullrich, Aston Bay [BAY.v]

I’ve been watching this Company for nearly 2 years. There have been ups and downs, a lot of excitement and some disappointments, but the management team at Aston Bay Holdings (TSX-V: BAY) (OTCQB: ATBHF) is superb, no one can argue that fact. And, the market f...

Guyana Goldstrike aims to add ounces at gold-bearing iron formation

Wedged between two resource giants on the north coast of South America, Guyana has a low profile among its more well-known neighbors: Venezuela to the west and the dense rainforests of Brazil’s Amazon region to the south. The Caribbean nation bordering the ...

$1B for Trump’s border wall could fix crumbling military bases

As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information US military families will continue to stay in run-down accommodations while they visit their soldier sons and daughters. The Air Force won’t be able to rebuild two b...

Kincora Copper Lands in One of Hottest Copper-Gold Regions in the World, Drill Results Soon

Given the widespread COVID-19 induced downturn, I struggled with the outlook for copper. I feared that like stock markets in March, the copper price might collapse. That didn't happen. Either due to producer discipline or governments halting operations, a fair amount of w...

Rio Tinto Busy Drilling at Forum Energy Metals' Janice Lake Copper Project in C$30M JV

The Critical Investor details the exploration of a joint ventured copper deposit in Saskatchewan. Janice Lake copper project, Saskatchewan, Canada; Source: Metals Corp. 1. Introduction As a pure play uranium explorer since 2004, things...