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Financial Crisis 2008: Is the Story Going to Repeat?

The coming year has the potential for a combination of major risks to the global economy coming together to cause a financial crisis rivaling that of 2008-09. The mortgage bubble that burst in 2008 led to multiple failures of financial institutions, major downturns in global...

Real Estate Crash Is The Next Shoe To Drop

The past few weeks and months have been very interesting to see how the global central banks and governments have attempted to position themselves ahead of this COVID-19 virus event. We continue to suggest that we are just starting the process of navigating through this pote...

Trade impasse threatens US lithium, rare earth imports

On Friday the United States made good on its threat to ratchet up the trade war against China, after the two parties failed, after weeks of negotiations, to reach a deal. The Trump administration hiked tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports to 25% from 10%...

The Greatest Depression Just Began. This Is No Drill.

Exactly a month ago I warned that the coronavirus outbreak was going to pop the "Everything Bubble ." I did something fairly subtle. I buried my main message under a whole heap of cow manure. It doesn't make a rat's ass if I was right or wrong about calling for a market ...

Nickel surplus to be diminished by Indonesian export ban

Why does nickel continue to be in great demand? The simple answer is that nickel has better corrosion resistance, better toughness and better strength at high and low temperatures than other metals, as well as a range of special magnetic and electronic properties. It is also...

AI Will Add $15 Trillion to the World Economy by 2030

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer the stuff of science fiction. The technology is already disrupting multiple industries, many of which impact you on a daily basis. Own an iPhone X? Its facial recognition system is powered by AI. Ever been redirected by Google Maps bec...

Need-to-Know Numbers You Might Have Missed Last Week

Another year, another Thanksgiving. I hope all of my American friends and readers had the chance to spend some quality time with family as we begin the busy holiday shopping season. The leading retail trade group expects sales in November and December to increase as muc...

Three safe-haven reasons to own gold

“It’s the tail that wags the dog” is defined by Urban Dictionary as a way of persuading a large group of people. The phrase is usually employed in a situation wherein a cause that expects to elicit a certain effect, is in fact reversed. ...

Watch For +15% Move In Chinese Stocks

Last week we had strong numbers out of China and our research continues to suggest the Chinese stock market could be poised for an upside price rally of at least 15% over the next 30+ days before possibly reaching a peak in June or July 2019. Our Fibonacci predictive modeling ...

Small-Cap Pharma Fast-Tracking Repurposed Drug for Covid-19

Algernon Pharmaceuticals is quickly moving ahead with a multinational Phase 2b/3 trial for Ifenprodil. Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc. (AGN:CSE; AGNPF:OTCQB; AGW:FSE) , a Canada-based clinical stage drug development company that focuses on drug repurposing, believes ...
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