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Finding the next mineral discoveries using bore water analysis

CSIRO research scientist Dr Nathan Reid taking field measurements on site. Image: CSIRO Powerful technologies and precision instruments are breaking barriers on the path to new resources and metal discoveries By Lynnel Reinson In this current time of volatility,...

US Equities Price Anomaly Setup Continues To Unfold

This research post highlights what we believe to be a unique price anomaly setup in many of the US major markets this week. Our research suggests that April 21, or near this date, will be an important price inflection point base level for the US stock markets. We believe a uni...

Mar 7th 2020, Silver Chartbook – Back to basics

Back to basics As extraordinary events happen in global markets right now, conflicting fundamental data can be hard to decipher. We had pandemics before. 1889 Russian flu pandemic, 1918 Spanish flue pandemic. 1957 Asian Flue Pandemic, 1968 Hong Kong flue pandemic and ...

A Real Blockchain Developer goes live, eXeBlock Technology (CSE:XBLK)

Last night I attended the Grit Capital's Banking on Blockchain event in Vancouver, along with seemingly every person I've ever met in this city's financial scene. The place was packed - standing room only in a ballroom that usually seats 300+. HIVE Blockchain (HIVE.V) ...

Rick Rule: Tricks of the Trade–How to Find Deep Value in Commodities Investment

Legendary investor Rick Rule of Sprott USA , sat down with us on very candid interview to discuss the deep values that Sprott is focusing on for their clients. We shall discuss base metals, precious metals, royalty and streaming, and prospect/project generators. Mr. Rule ...

Is Natural Gas Ready For An April Rally?

Our researchers have been following Natural Gas for many months and believe the current price level, near $1.65, is acting as a continued historical support level (a floor in price). Our researchers also used one of our data mining tools to attempt to identify if any opportu...

A New and Exciting, Near-Surface, High-Grade Uranium Discovery in the Athabasca Basin

What do you get when you combine some of the best uranium geologists in the world, a world-class project in a mining-friendly jurisdiction, and a green energy fuel that is the most reliable and a cost-efficient baseload power source for the world? You get Baselode Energy C...

Fund Manager Reveals His Top Ten Precious Metals List

Streetwise Reports: Ralph, gold has been trading within a relatively narrow range around $1,300 over the last several months. What's your outlook for the metal? Ralph Aldis: Longer term, I do think we're going to see a higher gold price. As for the near-term factors...

Deep-South's Haib Copper Project to see a $2M boost

Deep South Resources (TSXV:DSM) is boosting its Haib Copper Project The company will close its first tranche this week for $300,000 The financing is expected to close mid-September Haib project 2021 drilling program results have shown the highest...

Catching up with the all the ‘Gold Hits from CCR’: Part 2

Perry Little, the CEO of Green River Gold Corp. (CCR) ( CSE.CCR , Forum ) would like to introduce QP Stephen Kocsis, P.Geo who will be involved with the company’s mineral and placer gold exploration projects. Stephen is based in Quesnel, a short drive fro...
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