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This Unique App “Matches the Perfect Customer to the Ideal Vehicle”

Negotiating a new vehicle purchase is often an exercise in futility and sometimes ends in frustration. Now, there’s a Canadian company that’s offering a unique new app that makes the entire purchase and financing easy. How? By bringing the ve...

Seasonal Dysfunction: Why Generations of Investors Are Having Such Difficulty

With great apology, I am late with this week's missive largely due to the arrival of boating season and the fierce need to secure a new vehicle, which should have taken (only) two days but didn't. Having arrived at the marina on Friday evening, I expected a rather smooth ...

A Clean, Green Energy Solutions Play You Should Know About

Back in mid-October , Stockhouse Editorial introduced our audience to a clean energy company should be on your investment radar – Jade Power Trust (JPWR) ( TSXV:JPWR.UN , OTC:TNSTF , Forum ) – a Toronto-based clean energy company with a portfolio consisting of wind, so...

Taking Cannabis from Seed to Sale…the Right Way

When Stockhouse last connected with Delta 9 Cannabis Inc . ( TSX: DN , OTCQB: DLTNF , Forum ) and their President and CEO John Arbuthnot back in May , we introduced our audience to a different kind of company that markets its high-quality cannabis products through its w...

Insider Tips From a Capital Markets Guru on Trends

When it comes to capital markets, there are few more experienced to teach the do’s and don’ts of trading than Howard Katz – Managing Director of Mackie Research. In this insightful, intriguing and entertaining interview with Dave Jackson of...

What is the gold outlook for the rest of 2024?

Peaking at more than US$2,400 an ounce in April and currently sitting above the US$2,300 mark, the gold case continues to shine. Will this precious metal continue its rise to glory as we enter the second half of the year? And how does gold stack up against a guaranteed in...

Feb 12th 2020, Crypto Chartbook – Consistently extracting profits

Consistently extracting profits In our chartbook publication from last week we published a chart with entry levels as a guide on when to enter the market. Briefly after publication, the first low risk price level was approached. Consequently we posted a screen...

Next big shale gas boom

Which country has the most shale gas reserves outside of the United States and China? Canada? Nope. Australia? Wrong again. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Argentina ranks third in recoverable shale gas reserves. Argentina has 774 trill...

What Ballooning Corporate Debt Means for Investors

Few people know the risks in today’s economy and marketplace as much as David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist at Canadian wealth management firm Gluskin Sheff & Associates. For years he’s educated investors with his popular “Break...

Profiting on the Increasing Momentum in the Currencies

It looks like the calm in the currencies is drawing to a close and volatility is about to pick up. So far, so good. We’re at a crossroads these days: after a recent string of declines, the USD appears to be catching a bid. This is not without repercussions and ...
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