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Revolutionary biopharma company makes waves across the globe

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . The Market Online recently caught up with NurExone Biologic Inc (TSXV:NRX) , a revolutionary biopharmaceutical company developing regenerative medicine therapies,...

2024, a breakthrough year for silver

By Chen Lin, For thousands of years, silver has been a globally recognized commodity. In China, silver was historically used as a standard form of currency, and the term “bank” in Chinese (银行) literally translates to “silver tradi...

A recent PEA which demonstrates a very competitive uranium deposit

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Uranium has been making headlines with its supply and demand imbalance. Its price is bullish, and the trend has been predicted to continue well into the year. ...

Ying Mining District operation frames profitable future for Silvercorp

By Gorm Henriksen, Valpal Equity Research Strong performance and tremendous proven reserves at Silvercorp Metals’ (TSX:SVM; NYSE:SVM) cluster of mines in the prolific Ying Mining District (Figure 1) earned high praise from equity research analysts ...

2023, the dawn of the silver boom

By Chen Lin, This year saw another year of the huge supply-demand deficit in silver, despite heavy investment selling. The most significant demand increase came from solar panels. In 2021, the Silver Institute and Metal Focus group were looking at PV (...

ExoTherapy offers hope for treating acute spinal cord injuries

Suffering from traumatic injuries can leave a person with long-term damages and/or side effects that are hard to navigate long after the initial incident has passed. Our next company is a publicly traded bio-pharmaceutical company, working on the development of its ...

Charbone Hydrogen is on a green mission

A Canadian green hydrogen group established in North America, Charbone Hydrogen, is on a mission. The Canadian hydrogen group is positioning itself as a major player in the decarbonization of our planet. The group is fully committed to the energy transition and the drive ...

“If I only had a nickel deposit for every gold explorer….”

British Columbia’s historic Cariboo Mining District has a rich mining history going back decades. Green River Gold is focused on unlocking the vast potential across the region, predominantly setting its sights on hard rock gold discoveries. The Edmonton-ba...

A Unique Opportunity in the Green Energy Arena

Green hydrogen is generated using renewable energy or from low-carbon power, which equates to much lower carbon emissions than traditional grey hydrogen, which still makes up the bulk of the hydrogen market. As that market grows, Québec-based Charbone Hydrogen is posi...

Exploring District-Scale Land Packages in World-Class Gold Jurisdictions

Meet the global gold explorer that controls a number of early-stage properties in Ontario in areas with active and historic mining activities, along with three projects in Ghana, West Africa. Pelangio Exploration Inc. ( TSX-V.PX , OTC: PGXPF , Forum ) is a Canadian j...
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