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Earning into 3 Exciting Opportunities. Who, What, Where, When & Why?

Looking for a value play in a well-structured mining exploration and development company? Well, Tocvan Ventures Corp. (TOC) ( CSE.TOC , OTCQB: TCVNF , Forum ) may be the kind of investment opportunity that is worth delving deeper into. TOC is currently e...

Best Stocks to Invest In

Stock investing can be exciting, but it shouldn’t be a rollercoaster ride for investors. If you know how to read company reports, basis spreadsheets, and what financial measures to review, you’re more likely to pick a winning stock. Staying up...

High-Grade Silver Company to Join CSE – Ready to Produce in 2021

(Click image to play video) Much like gold, silver is trending higher in value and what better way to access the market than with a high-grade silver play that could be ready produce as early as next year. Enter Kuya Silver Corporation ( CSE.KUYA ) – a soon-t...

Shifting Undercurrents In The US Stock Market

Even as we write this post, the US Stock Market continues to push higher as global traders and investors pour capital into the continued US rally. The strong US Dollar continued to attract capital from around the globe and with fresh earning about to hit from Q4 2019, investor...

Aurora Cannabis, Bayer, EXMceuticals - ready for the time after Corona

The cannabis hype was over and then came the corona crisis. Investors who believed in the active ingredient of cannabis and put money into the shares of companies in this industry are now likely to be sitting on a huge loss in most cases. It all started with the idea of a few ...

Olympia Financial Group: With us, it's personal

Olympia Financial Group conducts most of its operations through Olympia Trust Company, providing trust and custodial services to investors in Canada’s private capital markets. The company serves clients from across Canada and is a significant player i...

US Stock Market Enters Parabolic Price Move – Be Prepared, Part II

In the first part of this research article, we briefly discussed the recent price and global economic events related to the 2018 to 2020 US stock market volatility and the COVID-19 virus event. The premise of this research post was to highlight the current upside parab...

A Past Production Gold Play with Future Potential for Much More

As the gold market continues to heat up, so do the exploration companies on the prowl for the precious metal. Xali Gold Corp. ( TSX-V.XGC , OTCMKTS: CGDXF , Forum ) is a mineral exploration company engaged in the exploration of mineral right interests in Mexico, Peru a...

NASDAQ and DOW - Two Spectrum’s of the Stock Market

Our researchers believe the NQ and YM chart illustrates a very different dynamic which is currently at play in the US Stock Markets. The NQ, the Technology heavy NASDAQ futures, appears to have stalled near the 75% Fibonacci price retracement level whereas the YM, the Blue Chi...

Three Prospect Generators Have Exciting Year Ahead

Midland Exploration Inc. (MD:TSX.V, 1.30) reported an early-stage copper-gold-molybdenum discovery in James Bay based on grab samples taken just prior to the end of the exploration season. Now, following soil testing and an IP geophysical survey at the 100%-owned Mythr...
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