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Buzz on the Bullboards: The Next Pot of Gold in 2022?

(Photo of mineralization from NFGC-21-195 approximately 285m down hole depth and Right: NFGC-21-202 approximately 146m down hole depth. Image via New Found Gold Corp.) We have waited three long years for this: St. Patrick’s Day is back, and so are al...

AMS, Memphasys, Osram, ProSiebenSat.1 Media - valuable access to customers

Access to customers is of high importance for most companies. Building brands is also a matter of trust. Before a company or product is established as a brand, an average of seven contacts or encounters must have taken place. The situation is different with recommendations fro...

DIAGNOS poised for parabolic move as first of new cardio AI Applications comes to market

DIAGNOS Inc. (TSX-V: ADK) (OTCQB: DGNOF) (Frankfurt: 4D4) is a Canadian-based healthcare software technology company that pioneered ' C omputer A ssisted R etinal A nalysis' (CARA), applying artificial intelligence to non-invasively test, identify, and classify patients a...

An 'Electrical Storm' of Catalysts Converge to Jump Start Sales of Eguana's Solar-Power ...

An 'Electrical Storm' of Catalysts Converge to Jump Start Sales of Eguana's Solar-Power Storage Solutions The small-cap energy storage firm just signed a global production agreement with industry heavyweight Jabil. The Punch: Eguana Technologies Inc. (EGT:...

Standard Lithium in Final Stages of De-risking New Recovery Method; ...

Standard Lithium in Final Stages of De-risking New Recovery Method; Giant JV Partner Lanxess Will Fully Fund Capex When Successful The Critical Investor delves into this lithium firm's recovery method for its Arkansas project and why it may succeed when other companie...

High Premiums in Physical Gold Market: Scam or Supply Crisis?

During the coronavirus crisis many people couldn’t find physical gold, as there was a bullion shortage at dealerships. And these lucky individuals who managed to obtain bullion had to pay high premiums. We invite you to read our today’s articl...

Allianz, Commerzbank, TUI, Wirecard - and news for investors

A week on the stock market with positive price development is slowly coming to an end. The DAX was at a low of 10,426 points at the beginning of the week and currently stands at 10,837 points. The gain of more than 400 points is mainly due to the relaxation of measures to limi...

5 Ways Tech Startups can Compete with the Industry Leaders

It is a common thing for any established industry to be dominated by several large companies. There are eBay and Amazon for eCommerce, Facebook and Snapchat for social media, Uber and Lyft for transportation, etc. Beating such competitors is a tough challenge every ...

CloudMD Is My TeleHealth Stock

An entirely new—and highly profitable—industry is being borne out in 2020— TeleHealth. CloudMD Software & Services Inc. (DOC:CSE; DOCRF:OTCQB; 6PH:FSE) is my favorite way to play teleHealth. It's growing quickly with over 100,000 patients registered on its ap...

Is this stunning 'evidence' that NervGen has the goods?

This could be the signal that tiny NervGen Pharma Corp. (TSX-V:NGEN; OTCQX:NGENF) is destined to be one of the top performing biotech startup stocks this year. It came in a seemingly innocuous podcast interview about the company’s ongoing Phase 1b/2...
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