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Valeo Pharma In-Play, New HesperCo™ Immune System Support Scientifically Demonstrated

Shares of Valeo Pharma Inc. (CSE: VPH) (Frankfurt: VP2) poised for substantial upside revaluation to reflect the major ‘company –maker’ potential in HesperCo™ as the market figures out it is set to be the subject of Covid-19 clinical trial. Valeo will benefit...

Confessions of a gold analyst: "It's all my fault"

Common sense dictates that when you need information or advice on something you're unfamiliar with, you consult with a professional. That's what people do, whether refinancing a home, choosing an insurance product, or fixing a broken heater. While professionals certainly hav...

3 reasons to avoid penny stocks

A Note From the Editorial Director: This week, with the first installment of our new Member Mailbag feature, we start putting the You in Investment U. The Mailbag gives you the chance to ask Alex Green and our other investment experts about the financial subjects that are o...

X-Terra Resources: The Undiscovered Discovery

Investor Riley Ireland provides his investment thesis for this explorer with gold properties in Canada. X-Terra's Grog Property Investment Highlights: Strong management with direct ownership Low market cap of $4,709,629 New gold di...

A ‘Novel’ Investment In Psychedelic-Inspired Medicines

Stockhouse investors are keenly aware of the booming trend in the psychedelic healthcare space…in many ways the new Cannabis 2.0 over the last 12 – 24 months. Capital markets have taken to them en masse – a market now estimated to be in excess of USD$5 billion and expected ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Don’t Get Spooked by these Market Performers

There is nothing scarier on Hallowe’en than an uncertain stock market. Lately, this is exactly what investors have been dealing with and part of what we try to demystify at Stockhouse. There have been many companies moving independent of the market...

'Investors Need to Own' This Provider of Well Completion, Production Services

This energy company's growth and other prospects are discussed in a Raymond James report. In an April 12 research note, Raymond James analyst J. Marshall Adkins purported that Nine Energy Service Inc. (NINE:NYSE) is a "misunderstood stock within the oilfield sect...

Own Them All - The Next Media Juggernaut

Since its release in 2009, James Cameron’s Avatar has held the all-time box office record for nearly a decade. With a budget of $300 million and an additional $150 million for marketing, Avatar’s total cost of $450 million was made back several times. The big...

Rising US Dollar Mutes Metals Moves and Puts Pressures on Global Markets

The Rising US Dollar continues to shift the investing landscape as a stronger US Dollar mutes the price acceleration in precious metals and continue to put pricing pressures on the global economy. The current levels of the US Dollar Index, above 99, clearly illustrates how the...

The Next Takeout Targets in Gold

There have been close to $6 billion in gold buyouts the last 2 weeks. Coming into tax loss season, it’s time to sharpen your pencils and get your cash ready for opportunities on the horizon. The deals that happened over the last 2 weeks should not co...
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