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Global Insanity Prevails

"Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper." —Ayn Rand Why don't we start things off a tad differently this evening? Let me relate to you all a parable from the Book of Quantitative Easing where all is good and noble in the world of gov...

Fresh water crisis unfolding

When planetary scientists search for life on other planets the first thing they look for is evidence of water. “There are two main questions in the search for life: With so many places to look, how can we focus in on the places most likely to harbor life? What are the unmi...

Weimar Fed in the Twenty-First Century

I was pacing around the house this lovely but cold Friday afternoon (after finally having the water supply restored after our well filed for unemployment benefits), trying desperately to think of a topic to write about in this weekly missive, when it suddenly occurred t...