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Beyond Meat, Burcon NutraScience, Nestle - scalable growth with plant proteins

Humanity is always striving for improvement. This has not only been the case since the climate debate, but innovations in all areas of everyday life are constantly changing our lives. The changes will never again be as slow as they are at this moment. Research and development ...

Large US Market Now Open to Livestock Feed Antibiotic Replacement

Proprietary OxC-beta livestock feed supplement can supplant the need for maintenance antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a major health threat worldwide and many countries have banned or are banning the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock. The European...

Burcon, Canopy, dynaCERT - how cannabis, proteins and hydrogen improve the world

Innovations continuously change our lives. Entrepreneurs around the globe are trying to make things happen, developing products and technologies that are designed to improve everyday life. Business areas that are scalable are particularly successful. Once a product is ready to...

Bear Market Rallies: The Nascent Narcotic

The 2018-2019 bear market rally that we identified during the last week of 2018 via the 2019 Forecast Issue, entitled " 2019: Mayhem, Misallocation and the Mockery of True Price Discovery ," is now on record as one of the most ferocious rallies ever recorded, as short sel...

Own Them All - The Next Media Juggernaut

Since its release in 2009, James Cameron’s Avatar has held the all-time box office record for nearly a decade. With a budget of $300 million and an additional $150 million for marketing, Avatar’s total cost of $450 million was made back several times. The big...

Gold Bulls Are Impatient: Will They See a Recession in 2020?

Recession, recession - will we see one in 2020? And will it bring about a rally in gold then?. True or false? In today’s article, we’ll test the ‘recession in 2020’ narrative and we’ll then show you what it all me...

A Splendid Investment Opportunity…Naturally

(Click image to play video) We’re just about smackdab in the middle of New Year’s resolution time, and millions of North Americans are committing to a healthier lifestyle or just trying to shed a few pounds. Coquitlam, BC-based...

How This Food Investment Company is Making the Plant-based Sector Accessible

Interest in plant-based products is hotter now more than ever, and companies in this sector are busy ramping up their efforts to meet the demand from consumers as the switch to more sustainable lifestyles continues to grow. Eat Well Investment Group Inc. ( CSE:EWG , ...

The Most Important Resource on the Planet

What do you think the world’s most important commodity is? Is it copper? Is it gold? No, it’s water. Water truly is a commodity we cannot live without. Gigantic quantities of water are used in almost every food and drink we consume. F...

Will Stocks Keep Cutting Through Supports Like a Hot Knife Through Butter?

During the first half of yesterday’s session, the bulls were in the driving seat after repelling sellers at the open. Yet again, their gains have evaporated, and stocks not only broke to new lows, but also closed there. Will today’s session be a...
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