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VIDEO: Understanding Geopolitical Risk - Ep. 05

  (Click image to play video) Geopolitical risks are real factors in investing in the mining sector. @Mercenarygeo Mickey Fulp has years of experience in this area and dropped by to offer some insight on this topic - hear what he has to say and learn about some ...

Favourable Ruling for Emerita Resources on the Aznalcollar Zinc-Lead-Silver Project in Spain

Full size / The Aznalcóllar open-pit near Seville in southern Spain ( source ). Good news for Emerita Resources Corp. as the company today announced favourable ruling on the Aznalcóllar Zinc-Lead-Silver Project appeal. This is making headlines in the news at...

Was Yesterday's S&P 500 Plunge a Game Changer?

Post-Fed selling took on a life of its own yesterday – so far so good, but isn't the downswing getting a little ahead of itself? Today, it's primarily the credit and debt markets that will shed more light. And what about today's inflation expectations and consumer sentiment da...

The Golden Asteroid That Could Make Everyone On Earth A Billionaire

Whether it was the Big Bang, Midas or God himself, we don't really need to unlock the mystery of the origins of gold when we've already identified an asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals. If anything launches this metals mining space race, it will be th...

Mackie Research: Small Cap a World Leader in Health and Safety Wearables

Note: This article is not research and any companies mentioned are not rated. TraceSafe Technologies Inc . is a wholly owned subsidiary of Blockchain Holdings Ltd. (BCX:CSE) , and owns 100% of the rights and interests in the real-time location tracking technology ...

North Arrow focuses on lithium in Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Here with The Market Herald Canada to talk about North Arrow Minerals (TSXV:NAR) , a company focusing on lithium exploration in Northern Canada, is none other than President and CEO Ken Armstrong. TMH: I think the last time we spoke to you, Ken, was back in August....

Retail advertising and AI-driven security solutions company growing rapidly

The location-based technology provider INEO Tech Corp. (TSXV:INEO) started growing its business right here in Canada but has since expanded to 23 states across the United States and even Colombia. The company has managed to combine advertising at storefront entran...

Emerging Leader in AR Positioned in the $120 Billion AR Megatrend

Starwood Research takes a look at the investment proposition offered by this tech company, asserting it is the only "pure play" stock targeting four multibillion-dollar market opportunities. NexTech AR Solutions Corp. (NTAR:CSE; NEXCF:OTCQB) is an emerging leader in ...