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Genius Brands Shares Rise 15% on Planned Launch of the New 'Kartoon Channel!'

Genius Brands International shares traded higher after the company reported that on Monday, June 15, it will be launching the new "Kartoon Channel!", which will be available in over 100 million U.S. television households and on 200 million mobile devices. Geni...

Positive Cash Flow Extractor Manufacturer Turns its Mind to Psychedelics

“It’s all about visibility.” That’s how Calgary, AB-based MedXtractor Corp. (MXT) ( CSE.MXT , Forum ) is changing both the future of cannabis extraction and the burgeoning mental health science of psychedelics. ...

Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part I

One thing that continues to amaze our research team is the total scale and scope of the Capital Shift which is taking place across the globe. For almost 5+ years, foreign investors have been piling into the US stock market chasing the stronger US dollar and continued advance...

Coronapocalypse Is Deeper than the Great Recession. Will Gold Shine Even More?

The recent economic reports show that the current coronavirus crisis will be bigger than the Great Recession. What does it imply for the gold market? US Economic Data Paints a Gloomy Picture This week was full of new reports about the US economy. And guess what, I don&C...

Gold, Silver, & Copper Royalties - A Promising Investment Opportunity

(Location of the drill holes in the High-Grade Silver zone to the SW of Bilbao. Image via Xtierra Inc. Click to enlarge.) Investors have enjoyed a resurgence of mining stocks in 2020 primarily due to the rise of gold and silver prices but for those l...

Global Insanity Prevails

"Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper." —Ayn Rand Why don't we start things off a tad differently this evening? Let me relate to you all a parable from the Book of Quantitative Easing where all is good and noble in the world of gov...

A Short Update on Irving, Lion One and Novo

In my experience everyone tends to make investing wisely way too complicated. Simple works, complicated doesn't. I think the first site visit I went on was to a gold project in Xinjiang province in Western China over eighteen years ago. The gold bull was but a calf. S...

Q4 Guesstimates: Precious Metals, Miners and Stocks

You have all heard me opine about the (un)dependability of rules-based investing in a managed market environment, where it is not kosher for a financial advisor to fire off a promotional tweet about their favorite stock but it is perfectly acceptable for a sitting presi...