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Johnson & Johnson, Memphasys, Procter & Gamble - for a better life

Good health is a valuable possession. Small and large companies around the globe are engaged in research and development to make people's lives easier or better through modern and innovative products and solutions. The consumer goods and pharmaceutical sectors often offer attr...

Gold Awaits as Boris Johnson and the Fed Take the Spotlight

Last week, Boris Johnson became the PM of the UK. The odds of hard Brexit increased, sending pound lower. Now, markets await tomorrow’s FOMC meeting. Gold closely monitors these events and thinks about which way to go next. Boris the Brexiteer Last week,...

The Duel Between Johnson and Parliament. Will Gold Win?

Boris Johnson struggles to push the Brexit agreement through the British Parliament. For it can bite back! Who wins this battle? One could hope that gold, but this is not so certain… Johnson’s Struggle, Explained On Thursday, the breaking news came ...

GBP/USD – Pound Gaining Ground as Boris Holds Lead in Polls

It’s Election Day across the U.K, and millions of voters will determine what happens next with the Brexit saga, which has lasted three years. If Prime Minister Johnson can win an outright majority, the British pound could respond with significant gains. ...

Pulmatrix's Licensing Deal with the JNJ Lung Cancer Initiative Sends Shares Up 100%

Pulmatrix's shares opened 90% higher today after the firm reported that it has signed a kinase inhibitor licensing agreement with the Lung Cancer Initiative at Johnson & Johnson. Prior to the U.S. markets open this morning on the first day of trading in 2020, clinical...

Junior Explorer Begins Field Work on Copper-Gold Prospect in Yukon Territory

Maurice Jackson: Welcome to Proven and Probable. Today, we're going to highlight an early-stage exploration company focused on copper, gold and silver located in the Yukon, in Canada's prolific Minto Copper District, Granite Creek Copper Ltd. (GCX:TSX.V) . Our featured ...

Metrics Highlight Potential at High-Grade Canadian Silver District

Greg Johnson, president and CEO of Metallic Minerals, speaks with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about why he believes the company has all the "key ingredients for success" at its project in the Keno Hill Silver District. Keno Hill Ma...

Find Out Why Eric Sprott Just Invested $2.75 Million Into This Silver Explorer

Metallic Minerals Corp . (TSX.V: MMG | OTC: MMNGF ) Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable sits down with Greg Johnson the President, CEO, and Director of Metallic Minerals (TSX.V: MMG | OTC: MMNGF), which just issu...

This Cannabis Co. Earned a 100% Revenue Increase Over 3 Consecutive Quarters

(Click image to play video) Avicanna Inc. ( TSX: AVCN , OTCQX: AVCNF , Forum ) is a diversified and vertically integrated Canadian biopharmaceutical Company that is focused on the research, development, and commercialization of plant-derived cannabinoid-based products...

The fragile state of global PGM supply

On demand side, the global economic recession caused platinum demand in the car and jewelry sectors to enter a cyclical downturn. However, a substantial supply reduction due to the labour strife in South Africa moved the platinum market from surplus to deficit over the cours...
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