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Introducing: The Device to Replace Antiquated Paper-Based Systems

(Image via Visionstate Corp. Click to enlarge.) The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects “things” that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data ...

NEL ASA, Saturn Oil & Gas, VARTA - which energy share is the best?

Energy sources and storage facilities are topics of the present and future. The more modern a society is, the higher the priority of cleanliness and moral innocuousness. Mobility in rich countries is undergoing change. In conurbations, the aim is increasingly being pursue...

NAI500 Special Report: EV Battery Tech Went Up 487.5% in One Week!

Extreme Vehicle Battery Technologies Corp. ( CSE: ACDC, Forum ) had an amazing first week of 2021 after they announced their Home Smart Wall, the first product of their IoniX Pro Home Smart Wall series. Moving from $0.035 to $0.25 in less than 5 days, the company has capt...

Apple, Scottie Resources, Tesla - where do investments make sense now?

The shares of the largest companies in the world promise high liquidity. Companies with technologies are the focus of investors - especially among the younger generation. So, it is hardly surprising that the measures taken by the central banks are leading to a flight from mone...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Larger the Hubs, the Heavier the Debates

(Image via BlackBerry Ltd.) Several of Stockhouse’s larger Bullboard hubs have set off serious debates on the future direction of some companies following significant moves this past week. Though a few of these companies have been basking in goo...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Markets underperforming, or is the best yet to come?

So, the “September rally” didn’t really pan out as many indices hit lows not seen in months, but at least interest rates were kept firm for now, so that is some good news, right? Investors have been worried about the possibility o...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The ups and downs of the fall investing season

For us here on the West Coast it has been a hot autumn and the markets have been just as intense. This means Bullboard activity has also been sizzling. Many sectors have seen new (and returning) companies generate a lot of discussion as a result. This week we&CloseCur...

New Rugged Handset Could Be A Game Changer For Siyata Mobile

First responders deserve better. Their traditional land mobile radio (LMR) setups are clunky, offer only low data speeds, and have limited coverage with dead zones that often slow down response times. Siyata Mobile Inc. ( NASDAQ: SYTA , Forum ) , with its push-to-talk ov...

Coronavirus And The Coming Financial Revolution

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest and unprecedented seismic shifts in the global economy that we've ever seen in modern history, and it's just getting started. Already, economies around the world are shutting down. The federal reserve has pumped trillions int...

BioNTech, Gilead, Memphasys - modern science and COVID and IVF

People around the world are worried about the extent of the consequences associated with the spread of the corona virus COVID-19, and politicians and the economy are called upon to deal with the situation appropriately so that the loss of life and financial damage to the citiz...
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