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Buzz on the Bullboards: Stories making headlines this festive season

As we draw closer to the end of 2022, many investors wonder if 2023 will be any different. Markets are still absorbing the influx of activities this year, which kept almost everyone on the edge of...

How This Gold Company Builds its Mining Activities While Caring About the Environment

The new gold rush is on, and investors are laser-focussed on companies that can ‘deliver the goods’…both as explorers and producers. Based out of Montreal, Monarch Mining Corp. ( TSX.GBAR , OTCQX: GBARF , Forum ) is a fully integrated mining company th...

Grande Portage Resources: First 2020 Drill Results

Grande Portage Resources Ltd. ( TSX-V.GPG , OTCQB: GPTRF , FSE: GPB, Forum ) is a mineral exploration Company based in Vancouver, British Columbia. The principal business activities are the exploration for and development of natural resource properties namely gold, in ...

BIGG Digital Assets, Bitcoin Group, Chainalysis - why invest now?

BIGG Digital Assets, Bitcoin Group, Chainalysis - why invest now? The blockchain hype was around two years ago and a lot has changed since then. A consolidation phase has cleared the market and what has remained are the companies and teams that have been able to convin...

Where are Gold and Silver Headed in 2020?

(Click image to play video) Silver and gold have certainly been trending in the right direction lately. Stockhouse Media's Cindy Broad met up with CEO Brad Cooke of Endeavour Silver Corp . ( TSX.EDR , NYSE:EXK , Forum ) to discuss the Company and its many excit...

Wanda Solution: The IoT and AI Evolution of Facility Management

(Image via Visionstate Corp.) There are plenty of unique opportunities for investors out there, but few are so unique that their platform has essentially no direct competition in the marketplace …. Headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Visionstate Cor...

Is The Coronavirus bullish for Stocks?

Earnings volatility has certainly been big. Tesla pushed the markets much higher early this week and the US stock markets have continued the upward momentum after the State Of The Union address and the acquittal of President Trump on Wednesday. Still, we continue to believe ...

BioNTech, Saturn Oil & Gas, TUI - Investments with potential

The stock market is diverse and investors are always looking for companies that have potential and are close to a breakthrough or can demonstrate continuity. Much has changed during the Corona Pandemic and, if you look at it closely, we are still in the middle of it. There are...

BioNTech, Eastman Kodak, EXMceuticals - investors have the chance to profit

The importance of health has not been as clear for a long time as it was in 2020. Detached from the discussion about the specifics of COVID-19 on mortality compared to other viruses, the need for protection is great and helplessness without a medical response is harmful to the...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Lost in the smoke

From East to West, wildfire smoke has blanketed the skies in smog, forcing people to inhale some of the worst smog on Earth and prompting air quality advisories. Flights and sporting events have been postponed and many find themselves searching for their old COVID mas...
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