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Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part IV

As we continue to get more and more information related to the Coronavirus spreading across Asia and Europe, the one thing we really must consider is the longer-term possibility that major global economies may contract in some manner as the Chinese economy is currently doing...

Revisiting “Black Monday – 1987” – October 19, Part I

Back in the day, for those of you that are old enough to remember and have experienced one of the most incredible trader psychology driven stock market decline in recent history. The difference between “Black Monday” and most of the other recent stoc...

Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part I

One thing that continues to amaze our research team is the total scale and scope of the Capital Shift which is taking place across the globe. For almost 5+ years, foreign investors have been piling into the US stock market chasing the stronger US dollar and continued advance...

Downside Opportunities Everywhere – Watch These Symbols

As the global markets enter the Q1 earnings season where a host of new data and expectations will flood the markets over the next 30+ days, skilled traders should put these three symbols on their watch-list over the next few days and weeks. We’ve been writi...

$2 trillion infrastructure plan will require mega metals

The White House and Congress finally agreed to put their significant differences aside and work together on something constructive, no pun intended. On Wednesday it was announced that President Trump and Democratic congressional leaders plan to spend $2 trillion on US roa...

U.S. Treasury Removes China as Currency Manipulator

The U.S. has formally removed China as a currency manipulator, just ahead of the signing of the ‘Phase 1’ deal. Given its past record, will China really change its ways? Kenny Fisher There was another positive develop...

Silver Bullet Creates Credibility

Finding credibility It is very difficult for a new issuer to find goodwill in the capital markets. Historically, and we all have a story to add to this, not every company has told the truth or, in some cases, even known what the truth was, leading to jaded hearts, apathet...

Stocks facing revaluation: Nel, Bayer, Power Nickel with potential

Relief for Bayer. In the U.S., the company has won a victory in the dispute over compensation for illnesses caused by the chemical PCB. Is it groundbreaking and the start of a revaluation of the stock? A revaluation already seems to be underway at Power Nickel. Follo...

DynaCERT: Is this the hour of hydrogen?

Daimler Truck must reduce forecasts It is a challenging time for transportation companies. By 2030, fleet operators in the EU will have to meet specific requirements to reduce CO2 emissions. The EU has introduced stricter CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles, requi...

Barrick, Newmont, Desert Gold – the opportunity for gold

Imagine being part of a gold company before it catches the attention of the market’s major players – an opportunity that investors like Ross Beaty have already recognized. At a time when the world’s largest gold producers, such as Barrick ...
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