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Stop feeding the Chinese ‘Belt and Road’ trojan horse

“ Whoever has an army has power.” - Mao Zedong In March Italy broke ranks with its EU partners in joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative, known also as One Belt, One Road or the New Silk Road. Students of history know the original...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Inflation’s long road back to even ground

An inflation report out this week on U.S. consumer prices showed the smallest annual price increase since late 2021.

The ‘Lean Mean Fighting Machine’ That’s Redefining the Cannabis 2.0 Marketplace

The rubber has finally hit the road for Cannabis 2.0. And conventional wisdom says it's the infused beverage market to be the engine that will drive it. Hill Street Beverage Company Inc . ( TSX-V.BEER , OTCQB: HSEEF , Forum ) boasts some of the infused beverage sector&...

Shipping Rates Plunge, Commodities and Stocks May Follow

An almost immediate reaction to the Coronavirus outbreak in China and throughout most of the world has sent shock-wave through the global markets – particularly seen in Shipping and Oil. The actions within China to attempt to contain the virus spread include shutting down en...

The Road Ahead May Be Brighter Than Expectations

THE BIG PICTURE Recent data seems to cast doubt on the seemingly never-ending call for an imminent recession. From a September 20, 2019 Bloomberg article: “The U.S. economy is outperforming expectations by the most this year, offering a fresh rebuttal to last month&C...

Part II - Global Central Banks Kick Can Down The Road Again

As we continue to explore the events of the past 10 to 20+ years and how the global central banks continue to attempt to navigate through these difficult times, we want to take a few minutes to try to understand and explain how the capital that has exploded into the global mar...

On the Road in Nevada with Avidian Gold CEO Steve Roebuck

(Click to play.) Avidian Gold Corp. ( TSX-V: AVG , Forum ) is a Canada-based mineral exploration company. Principally, it is engaged in the business of acquiring and exploring gold projects. The company holds right to explore several properties comprising of Gold...

Leading logistics company emphasizes risk mitigation

Our next company is Mullen Group Ltd. (TSX:MTL) , one of North America’s largest logistics providers, housing a network of independently operated businesses. We spoke with Randy Mercer, Director of Risk Management, who detailed the compa...

Natural Gas Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Bearish as Long as Forecast is Accurate

Weekend runs from both the American and European models advertised “a big move warmer,” shedding around 15-20 gas-weighted degree days from the 15-day outlook, according to Bespoke Weather Services. James Hyerczyk ...

Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part I

One thing that continues to amaze our research team is the total scale and scope of the Capital Shift which is taking place across the globe. For almost 5+ years, foreign investors have been piling into the US stock market chasing the stronger US dollar and continued advance...
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