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Buzz on the Bullboards: New Coronavirus Opportunities

Every obstacle can be an opportunity, and the COVID-19 crisis has put the investment spotlight on companies stepping up to the plate. What we once talked about as a looming and uncertain threat has quickly become the new norm. The coronavirus pandemic has upended lives, b...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who is Ready for the Post-Pandemic Boom?

(Image via Empower Clinics Inc.) “The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” The text from the 2014 Ryan Holiday book, “The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Ar...

Buzz on the Bullboards: When Stocks Go Up … Must They Come Down?

(Challenger 350 promotional image via Bombardier Inc.) Many markets may have seen a higher start to the year so far, but there is far from a universal sentiment across the sectors, with some companies having a rougher start to 2021 than others. If a stock goes u...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Stocks Poised for Coronavirus Recovery?

Where do small-cap investors look when the markets are down? Go back a few weeks or months and you’ll see that the COVID 19 coronavirus was being brushed off by Wall Street. Fast forward to last week, and it seems like the other shoe has finally dropped, se...

An Investor Update on a Profitable Petro Play in Kurdistan

When we last caught up with ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. ( TSX-V.SNM , OTCMKTS: SNM , Forum ) back in in April , the Company had made a major oil discovery on its Atrush Block and after a successful appraisal program, ShaMaran developed the field and put it into production...

A Petroleum Co. That’s Poised & Positioned to Help Fill the Global Energy Void

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shone a bright light on the need for the west – particularly Europe – to find alternative sources of energy and to break its dependence on Russian oil and natural gas. That’s where companies like ShaMaran Petroleum C...

Morning Market Outlook for Dec. 18, 2024

Stephen Whiteside of weighs in on Open Text, George Weston, Bombardier, Air Canada, Humana, CVS, Crowdstrike and other top-traded stocks in Wednesday’s Morning Market Outlook. Navigate the dynamic world of market moves effortlessly and...

A Unique Petro Play Offering Quality, Growth, and Cash Flow

(Click image to play video) With energy stocks gaining as oil climbs as the result of supply concerns, the oil and gas sector is seeing a significant resurgence in investment and investor confidence. What many people don’t know is that sector spe...

Triumph Gold, TUI, wallstreet:online - Special situations with potential

Two stock splits are scheduled for next week, which will be the focus of investors. This type of capital measure is usually chosen to make the share price look good again and thereby increase the trading volume. In the case of Apple ( NASDAQ: AAPL ), one share becomes four n...

STACK Agreement 'Positive' for Area Operator

The deal details are relayed in a ROTH Capital Partners report. In a Dec. 10 research note, ROTH Capital Partners analyst John White purported that a recent development in the industry is positive for Chaparral Energy Inc. (CHAP:NYSE) as its primary areas of operati...
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