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Gold, growth and sustainability in focus for Mandalay Resources

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Canadian-based Mandalay Resources (TSX:MND ) has producing assets in Australia and Sweden focused on gold and antimony. CEO Frazer Bourchier joins me here in stud...

Gaming stocks that are worth tracking

Gaming has evolved from a pastime activity to become a career for some people and an educational tool for others. Gaming has produced some of the biggest global companies, such as Sony, Meta, Microsoft, and Tencent Holdings. How did companies like Microsoft and Meta get a...

Ying Mining District operation frames profitable future for Silvercorp

By Gorm Henriksen, Valpal Equity Research Strong performance and tremendous proven reserves at Silvercorp Metals’ (TSX:SVM; NYSE:SVM) cluster of mines in the prolific Ying Mining District (Figure 1) earned high praise from equity research analysts ...

Europe is Serious about Raw Materials for its Green Transition, so is This Junior Miner

(Map of Leading Edge Materials Corp.’s European projects and IEA estimated growth in demand for graphite and rare earth elements from clean energy technologies in 2040 relative to 2020 levels). Image via Leading Edge Materials Corp. Click to enlarge.) ...

How this Canadian Zinc Company is Dominating in Sweden and Norway

(Click image to watch video) Scandinavia — particularly countries such as Norway and Sweden — is well known as being Europe’s leader in terms of mining thanks in part to ideal weather conditions, deposit types and, of course, its rich...

The Coming Great Global Reset

In the first quarter of 2019, global debt hit $246.5 trillion. Encouraged by lower interest rates, governments went on a borrowing binge as they ramped up spending, adding $3 trillion to world debt in Q1 alone. It reverses a trend that started in the beginning of 2018, of ...

The Later United States Empire

In 1917, the United States created the federal debt limit (or ceiling) to make it easier to finance World War One, essentially allowing Congress to borrow money to pay for the war effort by issuing bonds. By 1939 with World War Two looming, Congress passed the first aggre...

Dova Pharma Shares Rise 38% on Swedish Firm Takeover Offer

Shares of Dova Pharmaceuticals opened 38% higher today on news that the firm will be acquired by Swedish Orphan Biovitrum. The deal is reportedly valued at $915 million or $29/share. This morning Durham, N.C.-based Dova Pharmaceuticals Inc. (DOVA:NASDAQ) announced ...