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My two favourite stocks for generating income

In last week's DailyWealth, Steve Sjuggerud published compelling research suggesting the worst is past and there's another bubble coming. The Federal Reserve is the reason. We've never before seen recessions when the Federal Reserve is in "accommodating" mode and interest ra...

East-West Trade War: Never Take a Knife to a Gunfight

It's a funny thing that happens when the stress of financial insolvency bubbles up to the surface. Decisions once considered "routine" (like brushing one's teeth or walking one's dog) suddenly have life-or-death outcomes, complete with cold sweats, sleepless nights and ...

Paper money rejection is gold’s Minsky Moment

In our last article ( A Minsky Moment is coming for gold ) we presented the “Minsky Moment”, referring to a point in time when a period of bullish speculation leads to a spectacular market crash. Named after economist Hyman Minsky, the theory centers...

Gold vs cash in a crisis

Mattress stuffers or bullion holders? Who fares better in a crisis? North American investors are divided between those who believe the decade-long stock market bull is going to keep running into the 2020s, and investors who, wary of something terrible happening, are hoarding...

Precious metals taking a breather

This year at AOTH we have tackled a number of reasons for gold and silver’s rise, aiming to explain “in layman’s terms” what is behind the seemingly relentless move upward - despite the trend-busting reality of a high US ...