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Rick Rule's holiday gifts to grow wealth

The average Canadian will spend C$1478 this holiday season with 43 per cent of the budget spent with online platforms Rule likes the idea of gifting precious metals and company shares as an alternative to traditional Christmas gifts “Philanthropy with a...

Dr. Copper's diagnosis: a strong recovery

As stocks have slipped lower over the last three months, copper has bucked the broad trend and broken the pattern of lower highs and lower lows it set in the spring. After bottoming on June 7, the iPath Dow Jones-UBS Copper Subindex Total Return ETN - which closel...

Expert advises to invest 'wherever value takes you' after rate cut

Allan Small, a senior investment advisor of the Allan Small Financial Group with iA Private Wealth, joins Coreena Robertson in the Expert Exchange to analyze the Bank of Canada’s recent decision to cut interest rates by 50 basis points, the fourth cut th...

Colombian Mines gearing up for a busy drilling campaign

It has been a reasonably good run for resources companies as improving world economies have infused some buying interest. While companies have taken numerous steps to expand their resource estimates, only those with sound investment cases have been successful in securing fin...

Where to Get Income in a Low-Yield World

So far in 2020, the yield on the 10-year Treasury has averaged an anemic 0.01 percent when adjusted for inflation. Since the end of January, it’s actually dipped below 0 percent, trading as low as negative 0.14 percent on January 31. What this means is...

Fed Was Caught Off Guard by the Economic Shock. And Gold?

Another week passed, and the number of jobless claims increased further. That was clearly not expected by the Fed, as the recent minutes shows. What does it all mean for the gold market? Unemployment Claims Rose Further Initial jobless claims have become one the most im...

China’s Social Credit System - It’s Coming to the United States

In 2015, a 16-year-old student from Jiangsu, China, tried to board a train. She couldn’t even purchase a ticket. The student, Zhong Pei, tried enrolling in classes at her university. But she was not allowed to do that either.   Zhong had committed a serious ...

Zonte Confirms Fertile, Highly Mineralized IOCG System at Cross Hills

I am very surprised at these great, high-grade results for the first drill pass on the first target at Zonte's Cross Hills. Before seeing more details below, or if you skip down lower, come back for some detail on IOCGs. What is an Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) mine? Th...

The Marijuana Industry's Dirty Little Secret

The cannabis industry is hiding a dirty little secret. According to Evan Mills , a California-based energy and climate change scientist, the marijuana industry has a major problem…and it's likely to get worse before it gets better. "Legislators and energy agencies have ...

Does this Device Solve the Issue of Electromagnetic Radiation?

There is a large health issue that few know about and does not see much press, but it is there for everyone to see buried in the fine print when you buy most cell phones. I am talking about electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is emitted with electronic devices, such as...
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