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Real Estate Showing Signs Of Collateral Damage – Part IV

This final part of our multi-part Real Estate article should help you understand what will likely transpire over the next 6+ months and how the unknown collateral damage may result in a “Double-Dip” price event taking place before August/September 2020....

ConocoPhillips (COP): Playing the crack spread

There’s a lot of talk about diversification and asset allocation on this website, and rightly so. While diversification can limit large short-term gains, it also protects against large short-term losses. Since the markets tend to be unpredictable, it&CloseC...

Searching for the most promising non-U.S. investment options

When scanning the various investment boards and forums on the Internet these days, it's obvious that most people have very low confidence both in the economy and the government's efforts to fix it. "Smoke and mirrors" is a common theme directed at the officials wh...

How Bank Closures Could Be Giving Rise to Digital Currencies

There may come a time, sooner than you think, when the world economy simply cannot operate to its full potential without bitcoin, Facebook’s proposed Libra or some other large-scale digital currency. Consider what’s happening in the U...

Fibonacci Price Amplitude Arcs Predict Big Gold Breakout

Precious metals have become the focus of many researchers and traders recently. Bank of America recently raised its target to $3000 for gold (source: ). In December 2019, we published a research article suggesting precious metals were setting up a ...

Playing the Whipsaws and the Stock Rebound Ahead Profitably

Bouncing off yesterday’s new 2020 intraday lows, the S&P 500 closed higher on the day. But what about today’s premarket action? The bulls didn’t add to their gains in the overnight trading. With the futures back below 2400, where...

Playing the Stock Rebound Ahead

The S&P 500 sank to new 2020 intraday lows yesterday, but staged a recovery in the closing hours. That’s what has happened in both preceding sessions. Will the gains finally stick one of these days? Let’s dive into the daily chart (chart cou...

St. Barbara's Acquisition Offer for Atlantic Gold Highlights 'Valuation Gap'

The valuation gap between Australian and Canadian producers, highlighted by a recent takeover offer, is reviewed in a BMO Capital Markets report. In a May 15 research note, BMO Capital Markets analysts Brian Quast and Andrew Kaip wrote that St. Barbara Ltd....

Is Widening Yield Curve Inversion Lifting Gold Prices Up?

The yield curve inversion just got more pronounced. Not only the spread between 10-year and 3-month Treasuries, now also the spread between 10-year and 2-year turned negative. That sends a warning signal about the state of the real economy. About a recession on the horizon. So...
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