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These U.S. Companies Have the Highest Debt-to-Equity Ratios Right Now

U.S. companies have never had so much debt on their books as they do now. As of the fourth quarter of 2019, non-financial firms owed some $9.6 trillion in outstanding debt, a figure that’s up more than 57 percent from the financial crisis 10 years earlier,...

Heritage Mining: your connection to precious & base metal assets in mining friendly regions

Welcome to the Market Herald Video Q&A Podcast.Heritage Mining Limited is focused on acquiring and developing Tier-1 advanced stage precious and base metal exploration projects in mining...

What happens To The Global Economy If Oil Collapses Below $40 – Part III

This, the final section of this multi-part research article, will continue our exploration of the consequences that may result from our ADL predictive modeling system's suggestion that Oil may continue to fall to levels below $40 over the next few months. In Part I an...

Welcome to the Zombie-land Of Investing - Part II

In Part I of this research post, we highlight how the ES and Gold reacted 24+ months prior to the 2007-08 market peak and subsequent collapse in 2008-09. The point we were trying to push out to our followers was that the current US stock market indexes are acting in a very...

The Reign of the Royalty

Perhaps the most significant development in the mining industry over the past twenty years has been the rise of the royalty business model. For those unfamiliar, a royalty is the right to receive a percentage of production from a given mining operation—most often in the f...

How to Use Price Cycles and Profit as a Swing Trader – SPX, Bonds, Gold, Nat Gas

News does drive certain market events and we understand how certain traders rely on news or interest rates to bias their positions and trades. As technical analysis purists, so to say, we believe the price operates within pure constructs of price rotation theory, trend theory,...

On the Road in Nevada with Avidian Gold CEO Steve Roebuck

(Click to play.) Avidian Gold Corp. ( TSX-V: AVG , Forum ) is a Canada-based mineral exploration company. Principally, it is engaged in the business of acquiring and exploring gold projects. The company holds right to explore several properties comprising of Gold...

Working in one of North America’s Largest Undeveloped PGMs

New Age Metals Inc. ( TSX-V: NAM , OTCQB: NMTLF , Forum ) is a mineral exploration Company engaged in the process of acquiring, exploring and developing platinum group metals, precious and base metals mineral properties as well as green metals lithium. Geographically,...

Treasury Inversion and Political Fed Cycles

With so much news hitting the wires regarding the Treasury Inversion level and the “potential pending recession”, we wanted to shed a little insight into this phenomenon and what we believe the most likely outcome to be going forward. Our researchers, at ...

Ximen takes a shot at history, focuses on acquiring the high-grade Kenville Gold Mine

When the stars align over southern Canada Full size / The Kenville Mine was the first underground lode gold mine in British Columbia and is well known for the nature of its high-grade gold content. Already one of North America’s best performing go...
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