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Meet a Fast Growing Leader in Global Smart Buildings Technology

Energy efficiency is certainly no new concept. Since the OPEC oil embargo of the early 1970’s, industrial economies and multi-national corporations around the globe have spent trillions on new green energy solutions as a hedge against reliance on fossil fuels ...

How IoT is Disrupting Mining in a Major Way

Be long the disruptors, and short the disrupted. It's one of the biggest themes in the investment world over the past 10 years. You know you could have bought Netflix stock in 2002 for $1.07 per share? Today shares are worth over $320 per shar...

Ontario Mine On Track for First Gold Pour in Late 2020

The latest news and a construction update on Pure Gold Mining's Canadian project are provided in an Echelon Wealth Partners report. In a March 30 research note, Echelon Wealth Partners analyst Ryan Walker reported that Pure Gold Mining Inc. (PGM:TSX.V; PUR:LSE) r...

Gold, Silver, & Copper Royalties - A Promising Investment Opportunity

(Location of the drill holes in the High-Grade Silver zone to the SW of Bilbao. Image via Xtierra Inc. Click to enlarge.) Investors have enjoyed a resurgence of mining stocks in 2020 primarily due to the rise of gold and silver prices but for those l...

Explorer Secures $90M from Sprott to Build Gold Mine in Red Lake

The terms of the financing package and the company's plans for the rest of 2019 are described in an Echelon Wealth Partners report. In an Aug. 8 research note, Echelon Wealth Partners analyst Ryan Walker reported that Pure Gold Mining Inc. (PGM:TSX.V; PUR:LSE) negot...

The Cannabis Industry's Dirty Energy Secret

Your average marijuana plant is a rather unimposing, forest green weed that blends well with nature. The dirty truth, however, is that the business of growing cannabis is anything but green. In fact, the growing of pot is so power-intensive that its ecological footprint is qui...

Gold Bugs: Pay Close Attention to This Data

Last Updated on Interest in gold and gold stocks has skyrocketed in the last 2 weeks. And for good reason. Let’s recap what we’ve just seen in short order… Explosive price gains – check . Massive changes in investor senti...

First Cobalt, Last Man Standing in North American Cobalt Sector

First Cobalt Corp. (FCC:TSX.V; FTSSF:OTCQX; FCC:ASX) announced it has entered into a US$5 million loan facility with Glencore International Plc (GLEN:LSE) to complete advanced engineering, metallurgical testing, field work and permitting associated with the recommiss...

Coronavirus And The Coming Financial Revolution

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest and unprecedented seismic shifts in the global economy that we've ever seen in modern history, and it's just getting started. Already, economies around the world are shutting down. The federal reserve has pumped trillions int...

International students flocking to this company's education real estate model

(Click image to play video) While many businesses have struggled during the pandemic, there have been some that have prospered, and even increased their business. Vancouver-based, CIBT Education Group Inc. (MBA) ( TSX.MBA , OTCQX: MBAIF , Forum ) is one of t...
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