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NU Skin Shares Climb 25% Higher on Strong Quarterly Global Customer and Revenue Growth

NU Skin Enterprises reported that preliminary Q2/20 revenue exceeded previously forecasted estimates and that the company is experiencing stronger than expected global growth along with accelerated digital adoption. Direct selling company NU Skin Enterprises Inc. ...

Four Rules for Investing in Junior Stocks

“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.” -Warren Buffett It’s no secret that to be a successful investor or speculator, you have to govern yourself according to a set of rules. And I can&CloseCurlyQu...

Nevada Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: NGE; OTCQB: NVDEF): Exploring for ...

Nevada Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: NGE; OTCQB: NVDEF): Exploring for Large New Carlin-Type Gold Deposits in Nevada; Interview with James Buskard, President By Dr. Allen Alper, PhD Economic Geology and Petrology, Columbia University, NYC, USA Nevada Exploration Inc. ...

Gold Explorer Focuses on Acquisitions in Productive Canadian Districts

Few investments are working these days. Oil, blue-chip stocks, cotton, lumber major mining companies. . .all have been decimated in the past six weeks. Teck Resources Ltd. (TCK:TSX; TCK:NYSE) is down 73% from its 52-week high. Copper is 27% lower than it was a year ago. Y...

Peering into the Future of CBD and THC Topical Delivery Products

An innovative product development company with a patented skin delivery technology appears to be making major breakthroughs in the topical and transdermal cannabis space. On April 16, 2019, Ovation Science Inc. ( C.OVAT , Forum ) announced the launch of its new topical...

Simple, Uncomplicated: Find Out What Natural Beauty is All About

(Click image to play video) 2020 has been a whirlwind year for Marianna Naturals Corp. ( MRNN , Forum ). Founded in April of 2020 by both Co-Founder & Chairwoman Heather Marianna and Co-Founder, President & CEO Joel DeBellefeuille as the company is ...

Best-of-Breed Hemp/CBD Producers

Hemp/CBD heats up. Wall Street catches on. Next wave begins: CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens sell CBD. The hemp/CBD phenomena grows. Investors appear to be catching on. Our universe of publicly traded CBD "pure-plays" suggests the two "best-of-breed." Charlotte'...

Paratek Pharma Awarded $285 Million BARDA Contract to Combat Anthrax

Shares of Paratek Pharmaceuticals traded 40% higher today after the firm announced it was awarded a BARDA BioShield program contract valued at up to $285 million for NUZYRA used to treat anthrax. Late yesterday afternoon, biopharmaceutical company Paratek Pharmaceuti...

Medicus Pharma advances cancer treatment towards phase II trial

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Herald Canada has edited it for clarity . Our next company is Medicus Pharma Ltd. (TSXV:MDCX) , headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The company is a publicly traded clinical stage, multi-st...

3D printing is a manufacturing game-changer

Calling all carnivores: ever thought about getting a meat printer? Of hand-crafting delectable beef steaks at home from plant proteins, that have the same texture, appearance and flavor as real meat, only without the distasteful killing part? 3D-printed steaks and chicken ...
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