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DNI Metals | Status on Trading, Fraud Trial, and Permits

DNI Metals (CSE: DNI | OTC: DMNKF) Dan Wei r of DNI Metals sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to provide shareholders updates on when trading will commence on the Canadian Stock Exchange, judicial ma...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Tech gains amid weak commodities

It was a shorter week with little movement for the TSX after the Victoria Day long weekend. Weak commodity prices and a significant sell-off among heavyweight financial shares counterbalanced gains, keeping Canada’s busiest stock market largely stagnant....

Why this company is making new discoveries in re-emerging camps in Ontario

The province of Ontario has a rich history of gold mining, while the yellow metal is Canada’s most valuable mined metal, totaling C$10.3 billion in production as recently as 2019. In total, Canadian mines produced roughly 175 tonnes of gold in 2019, up fro...

Buzz on the Bullboards: ‘Tis the Season for a Rebound?

Once the American Thanksgiving passes, the mood in North American markets seems to shift dramatically as investors contend with holidays, gifts, and vacations on one hand, with the end of their fiscal years on the other. Companies also look to end the calendar year on...

Gold Mountain Signs Ore Purchase Agreement with New Gold

Gold Mountain Mining Corp. ( TSX-V: GMTN , Forum ) is pleased to announce it has signed an Ore Purchase Agreement with New Gold's New Afton Processing facility in Kamloops, BC. With this milestone, we are cash-flow ready once the necessary permits are approved. For...

Lumber is about to rally and how to play it with this ETF

WOOD, one of the Ishares ETF symbols related to the Real Estate and Construction sectors may become the next hottest instrument for skilled technical traders. Over the past three years, Wood has rallied over 110% between a $40 to $84 range and the trading volume of WOOD has be...

Standard Lithium in Final Stages of De-risking New Recovery Method; ...

Standard Lithium in Final Stages of De-risking New Recovery Method; Giant JV Partner Lanxess Will Fully Fund Capex When Successful The Critical Investor delves into this lithium firm's recovery method for its Arkansas project and why it may succeed when other companie...

So Much Going on at This New Peruvian Copper Company!

(Flor de Cobre project image via Element 29 Resources Inc.) A mix of low inventories supporting bullish demand is expected to push copper prices higher this year and beyond …. Investors are looking for new growth opportunities and one such player in the red met...

Leading Edge Materials: Positioning for the EU’s critical minerals push

By David Yeoman, Crux Investor Leading Edge Materials has a portfolio of critical raw materials projects in the EU, including the Norra Kärr heavy rare earths project in Sweden, the Woxna graphite mine in Sweden, and an exploration program in Romania. ...

Important Economic News Calendar: October 14 – October 18, 2019

The markets basically ignored the Fed talk last week, as U.S. - China trade war developments stole investors’ attention away from the scheduled news releases. But it was worth paying attention to our last week’s News Calendar that highlighted U....
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