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Let's Invest: Are you prepared for do-it-yourself investing?

In our fourth segment of our “Let’s Invest” series’ with Jean-Paul Bureaud, executive director of FAIR Canada , we stay on the self-investing side with DIY – do-it-yourself investing. Bureaud goes over the pros and co...

An Increasingly Valuable and Strategically-Located Phosphate Play

Stockhouse investors looking for a different kind of metals & mining play may, or may not, be that familiar with rock phosphate…but it’s essential to feeding the world…especially since the dawn of the New Green Revolution. Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd. (NZP) ...

This Next-Gen Battery Element Can Store More Lithium than Graphite

(Image via NEO Battery Materials Ltd.) There have been major advancement s made in recent years to power, for longer periods of time, the growing number of portable electronics in our lives, as well as hybrid and full electric vehicles (EVs)…. However,...

Meeting the New Green Economy’s Voracious Appetite for Lithium

(Click image to play video) As the battery metals market continues to skyrocket – and lithium in particular – new, reliable sources of this critical metal are in extremely high demand. Enter ION Energy Ltd. ( TSX-V. ION , OTCMKTS: IONGF , FF:5YB ) – an e...

A Unique Gold Project Pipeline Spanning the Americas

(Click image to play video) The world’s most iconic precious metal has soared back into prominence in 2020 hovering around the USD$1,800 mark at broadcast time. Yes. Gold is glittering once again. Bald Eagle Gold Corp. ( TSX-V.BIG , Forum ) ...

A Groundswell of Investor Support is a Signal That NZP is on The Right Track

Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited (TSXV: “ NZP ” and NZX: “CRP”) provides shareholders and stakeholders with another of our regular updates. The last few months have been very good for CRP and its shareholders. A combination o...

US Stock Market Enters Parabolic Price Move – Be Prepared, Part I

After the recent COVID-19 virus event and the global market concerns that will warrant caution for skilled traders and investors, the US stock markets have entered an upside parabolic trend that will likely end with a massive price collapse – extremely volatile and aggressiv...

Gold, copper and silver are must-own metals

Gold surged on Monday after a spike in coronavirus cases worldwide dashed hopes of a quick economic recovery. Within 24-hours the number of infections globally rose 183,020, a new record, the World Health Organization reported, Reuters said the US saw a 25% increase in new...

Micro-Cap Pharma Moving Ahead with Plans for Phase 3 US Trial of a Repurposed Drug for Covid-19

Revive Therapeutics is focused on infectious diseases as well as treatments using psilocybin-based formulations. Revive Therapeutics Ltd. (RVV:TSX.V; RVVTF:OTCMKTS) , a company that focuses on repurposing drugs for infectious diseases and rare disorders, is prepari...

Election Year Cycles – What to Expect?

Every election year over the past five US Presidential election cycles has presented a unique set of price rotation events. Particularly evident in strongly contested US Presidential candidate battles where the voters are consumed with pre-election rhetoric. The 2007-08 elec...
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