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May 4th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: The unstoppable train

The unstoppable train Bitcoin, the unstoppable train. This is true if we look at the last 11 years of price action. This is also true if we talk about unstoppable code and the fact that bitcoin doesn’t need any regulation because its code is THE LAW! ...

Star Navigation: Bridging the gap between flight experience and flight safety in real-time

Star Navigation bridges the gap between flight experience and flight safety in real time. When it comes to the aerospace industry, the Ontario-based leading-edge technology company offers both hardware and software solutions. The company’s real-time ca...

How Investors Can Jump on the ESG Train

Back in August , we introduced our Stockhouse investor audience to a very different, and very profitable, kind of ESG company that’s been a market leader in Environmental Services – Vertex Resource Group Ltd. ( TSX-V.VTX , Forum ). In this exclusive ...

Living in a virus-controlled world

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to infect populations, though in some countries it is slowing, talk has shifted to re-opening economies, and to manufacturing a vaccine that drug companies hope will not only work, but can be distributed at large enough doses to provide ...

Aviation industry remains up in the air rebounding from COVID-19

Aviation is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets us where we need to go, but with those dollars comes a lot of attention especially when incidents, good or bad end up on social media. As the airline industry navigates, rebounding, following the COVID-19 pandemic, as ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Which stocks shook off the “Blue Mondays”?

Stock markets are off to the races for 2023, with the TSX logging a win streak of nine positive closes before ending in the red, while the Dow also recently snapped a four-day win streak after Goldman Sachs posted its biggest earnings whiff in more than 10 years and execu...

A technical update on the mini-crash in gold

Let's make one thing clear; nobody I know including myself predicted that Gold would drop from 1690 to 1625 inside of 48 hours this week. That was not in the charts and so I won’t even pretend I was going to see that train coming through the tunnel. With th...

Red Cat's Black Box for Drones Preparing for Take Off

The platform uses blockchain technology to make the data immutable. The commercial drone industry is rapidly evolving. Google's Wing Aviation, Amazon and UPS have received Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) approval for drone delivery, and Uber and others may not be far...

This is the Rolls-Royce of the Precious Metals Business

Rolls-Royce is often ranked as one of the most reputable brands in the world – and for good reason. Its machines are reliable. And its brand is synonymous with luxury and the finest craftsmanship across the auto, marine and airplane sectors. In 2019, Rolls-Royce wil...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s filling the void in the tech selloff?

Last week was full of tough questions for investors navigating the waters of a sea of global economic uncertainty and confusion. Investors remain in a holding pattern as we witnessed some of the most popular companies among our communities (many in the tech sector) st...
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