Crude Oil continues to be a big mover as the supply glut has really pushed global capacity to its limits. Dozens of full tanker ships are anchored off the California and Singapore coastlines waiting for demand to pick up. As long as the Virus shutdown persists globally, the ...
Chris Vermeulen
April 27, 2020
Our research team has been attempting to answer the question that seems to be on everyone's minds right now – are we setting up another Black Monday type of event in the global markets and what should traders/investors know before the event potentially takes place. Our researc...
Chris Vermeulen
October 21, 2019
Investor Riley Ireland provides his investment thesis for this explorer with gold properties in Canada. X-Terra's Grog Property Investment Highlights: Strong management with direct ownership Low market cap of $4,709,629 New gold di...
Streetwise Reports
June 2, 2020
As a child, I used to get quite excited at the prospect of having my English "Gran" read me the Hans Christian Andersen book "The Emperor's New Clothes." I found the tale fiendishly amusing, as the charlatan tailor uses lethal doses of flattery and mystery to beguile t...
Streetwise Reports
April 7, 2020
With much of Europe gripped in an oil and gas supply crisis, i3 Energy remains focused on the acquisition, development, and production of long-life, low-decline, high-return assets. The company is anchored in Canada and the United Kingdom, with assets in Western Canada&Cl...
Simon Druker
May 11, 2023
Our next company is a well-funded mineral exploration company focused on exploring economically viable mineral deposits. Sitka Gold has four projects, but today we will dive into the RC Gold Project in the Yukon and the Alpha Gold Property in Nevada to see what&CloseC...
Brieanna McCutcheon
March 27, 2023
"Gold is money; everything else is credit." —J.P. Morgan Dating back to the mid-80s, and usually around the end of November, I begin to formulate strategies and portfolios looking out to the upcoming New Year, taking into account technical, fundamental and geopolitica...
Streetwise Reports
December 3, 2019
Back in the 1980s, I had a boss that was right out of Monty Python. A Canadian by birth, he was the son of a very wealthy English nobleman who spent a number of years in Brazil as CEO of Brazilian Traction, where he was raised by servants and nannies and attended private ...
Streetwise Reports
February 4, 2020
One week ago Cameco announced it will maintain low output levels until uranium prices recover. The Canadian uranium miner also said it might cut production further , having already closed four mines in Canada and laid off 2,000 of its workers in the uranium mining hub of Sa...
Richard (Rick) Mills
September 13, 2019
Mednow Inc. ( TSX-V.MNOW , OTCMKTS: MDNWF , Forum ) is a healthcare technology company offering virtual access with exceptional care. It provides virtual care with convenience and through an interdisciplinary approach to healthcare that is focused on the patient experie...
Dave Jackson
December 7, 2021