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Video – A2Z Revolutionizes Car Safety with FTICS

FTICS movie v1 from A2Z Technologies Canada Corp on Vimeo . Many life-changing product innovations have come from militaries, and A2Z Technologies Canada Corp. ( TSX-V:AZ , Forum ) is using their 30-year history of supplying military defense technology and service...

Buzz on the Bullboards: A Fresh Start for Capital Markets in 2021?

(Image via Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.) The start of the new year marks a fresh beginning in the minds of many and 2021 holds an expectation that life will be better than the previous year, which will go down in infamy thanks to the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yo...

Drone Firm Envisions Disruptive and Profitable 'Railway in the Sky'

I started writing about Drone Delivery Canada Corp. (FLT:TSX.V; TAKOF:OTCQB) two years ago. For nearly six years, the company has been 100% focused on safety, transparency and working collaboratively with Canadian and international regulators,...

Draganfly Holds 'Pole Position' in Race for Drone Supremacy After Chinese Barred from US Market

The company establishes a toehold with U.S. government, homeland security and military contractors, and readies drones to screen for the coronavirus. With the growing concern of the theft of intellectual property from the likes of Huawei cell networks and Ch...

Gold Spikes on the Saudi Oil Attacks: Can It Last?

On the weekend, there was a drone attack against the world’s largest oil processing facility and a major oilfield in Saudi Arabia. Oil prices have predictably spiked, but how will this geopolitical shock affect the gold market in the days ahead? What Happene...

Colombia is open for resource investing

Following a recent group email exchange with Louis James, the truly tireless editor of Casey’s International Speculator currently kicking rocks in Colombia, one of the non-Casey Research participants in the exchange commented, “You guys are doing it right. ...

Germany starts war on gold

Germans, like Indians and Chinese, love their gold - although their reasons for buying and keeping bullion are somewhat different. In China and India, gold jewelry is a status symbol - a sign of wealth and success. In Germany, owning gold bars and coins, maybe a 24-karat ...

Gold reacting to global flash points

Gold’s safe haven status was tested this week, as Iran countered the assassination of its top military commander with missile strikes against two Iraqi bases housing US troops. On Tuesday night Tehran fired over a dozen missiles at the Al-Asad airbase and E...

China dominates worlds supply chains

Cleaner skies owing to covid-19 lockdowns appear to be the silver lining of the global economy crashing to a sudden halt in March. In fact new evidence shows that high-polluting energy sources were on the wane, even before the coronavirus pandemic. According to the I...

The Coming Great Global Reset

In the first quarter of 2019, global debt hit $246.5 trillion. Encouraged by lower interest rates, governments went on a borrowing binge as they ramped up spending, adding $3 trillion to world debt in Q1 alone. It reverses a trend that started in the beginning of 2018, of ...
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