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BioNTech, CureVac, Valeo Pharma - the license to print money

Those who solve problems or create desires can usually earn a lot of money. One of the most important requirements is that the solution is scalable and can be sold in large quantities. The solutions around the Corona pandemic are a particularly lucrative business, because ther...

Central Bank Hypnosis

One look at the chart of the U.S. financial markets against the backdrop of economic paralysis and suffering, and one is immediately filled with a myriad of emotions. Sympathy for those that have been afflicted by the most recent pandemic; fear for the families whose prim...

You Can’t Just Print More Gold

“I think there is a strong likelihood we will need another bill.” That’s according to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who supports additional fiscal stimulus to combat the economic impact of the novel coronavirus—within reason....

BYD, Rock Tech Lithium, Xiaomi - Licensed to print money!

The triumph of electric cars continues unabated, with new players constantly entering the market. The era of fossil vehicles seems to be over. What is overlooked is that the significantly increasing demand can hardly be met in the future due to the lack of raw materials. The d...

Central Bank Folly: Blame the Boomers

"Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper." —Ayn Rand The baby-boom generation, of which I am a less-than-proud member, blew it. There was a time long, long ago when the mention of the words "baby boomer" evoked a sense of pride of me...

The Inflation–Deflation Conundrum

As I sit here on the shores of lovely Lake Scugog, its weed-infested waters lying in wait for countless unsuspecting propellers soon to be ensnared, I am reminded of the failed world of central banking and policy initiatives, which too has become ensnared in flora of its ...

The Golden 'Moment of Truth' Is Upon Us: $1,400-Plus or Not?

With the precious metals markets range-bound and driven by forces beyond his control, sector expert Michael Ballanger turns his contrarian eye to the past. With gold enjoying its best week of the year, with the Daily Sentiment Index charging northward, with ...

My Second-Worst Nightmare

It was only a few hours ago that I was cruising through a lovely early-autumn Friday afternoon preparing for one of the last weekends at the marina for the 2019 season when I came across the much-heralded (and often misinterpreted) COT report. I was on the way up the ea...

And Here Comes Whirlaway!: What Silver and the Horse Have in Common

Sector expert Michael Ballanger anticipates the come-from-behind winning run of silver. In the late 1930s, a young stallion was born in Lexington, Ky., at the legendary Calumet Farm, that went on to win seventeen major races from 1940–1942, including the Triple Crown (Kent...

The Mirage Called 'Modern Monetary Theory'

I was poring over the Federal Reserve minutes from Feb. 21, and as I was rolling my eyes and looking around my den for something to throw, I was reminded of the comments from then-Fed chairman Ben Bernanke years ago when he was asked if the Fed was "monetizing debt." The ...
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