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Buzz on the Bullboards: Bulls on the Buzzboards

Do you believe in parallel dimensions, alternate realities? Somewhere where there is no COVID, European tensions are just that – tense, market volatility is kept to a minimum. It is here, perhaps, in the inversed Buzz, where everything is “fine”...

Virtual Healthcare Made Easy. Here’s How.

Mednow Inc. ( TSX-V.MNOW , OTCMKTS: MDNWF , Forum ) is a healthcare technology company offering virtual access with exceptional care. It provides virtual care with convenience and through an interdisciplinary approach to healthcare that is focused on the patient experie...

Micro-Cap Pharma Moving Ahead with Plans for Phase 3 US Trial of a Repurposed Drug for Covid-19

Revive Therapeutics is focused on infectious diseases as well as treatments using psilocybin-based formulations. Revive Therapeutics Ltd. (RVV:TSX.V; RVVTF:OTCMKTS) , a company that focuses on repurposing drugs for infectious diseases and rare disorders, is prepari...

Biopharma Reports Consistent 'Phase 2 Liver Fat (NASH and NAFLD) Results'

The new data are reviewed and updates are provided on Can-Fite BioPharma's other clinical studies, including one for COVID-19, in this Dawson James research report. In an April 20 research note, Dawson James analyst Jason Kolbert wrote that results from Can...

Kiniksa Shares Trade Up 30% on COVID-19 Pneumonia and Hyperinflammation Treatment

Shares of Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals traded higher after the company reported early success in treatment response for mavrilimumab in six patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia and hyperinflammation. This morning, Hamilton, Bermuda based biopharmaceutical comp...

Visionary Vicissitude

It was one of those days that all sexagenarians loathe; you have to go to the doctor, and whether it's the GP (general practitioner) or the dentist or the proctologist, nothing reminds you more rapidly of your advancing age than going to the optometrist. Now, many of ...

INmune Bio Targeting Cancer, Alzheimer's and NASH Simultaneously

We are initiating coverage on INmune Bio Inc. (INMB:NASDAQ) . According to the company, INmune is "Reprogramming the Innate Immune System for the Treatment of Diseases." On the surface, this sounds like a fairly standard biotech tagline, but there's a more here than me...

Navidea Shares Jump 60% on Phase 2b Rheumatoid Arthritis Trial Results

Shares of Navidea Biopharmaceuticals traded 60% higher today on extremely high relative volume after the firm released data from its Phase 2b Rheumatoid Arthritis Tc 99m Tilmanocept Planar Imaging study. Developer of precision immunodiagnostic agents and immunotherape...

Amgen Shares React Favorably to Enbrel Patent Case Victory

Amgen shares are trading 5–6% higher today on news that the company has won its Enbrel (etanercept) patent court case. On Friday, August 9, 2019, Amgen Inc. (AMGN:NASDAQ) announced that it had won its Enbrel patent case. The company advised that the U.S. District C...

Krill oil boom is real

There’s a new type of oil that’s causing a major stir in the markets. This oil boom has nothing to do with crude oil or energy though. But it still has the potential to be just as profitable. I’m talking about krill oil. ...