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Meet a leader in the plant-based foods, courting millions in inflows

As food security becomes more crucial, ensuring companies can grow their business as well as they grow their products is more important than ever.Focused on high-growth companies in the agribusine...

Morning Market Outlook for Oct. 31, 2024

Stephen Whiteside of takes a look at Magnificent Seven stocks, Robinhood, Canadian stocks, gold, silver, the Canadian dollar and more in the Morning Market Outlook for Thursday. Navigate the dynamic world of market moves effortlessly and stay ahead of...

The Economy Helps These Companies, But Makes Buying Difficult

Ares Capital Corp. (ARCC:NASDAQ, 18.85) is in a strong position to sustain its returns, currently earning over 11% on investments. The company is one of highest quality BDCs, with the added benefit of scale. It has strong dividend coverage, and room to increase leverag...

Near-Term Silver Production. Potential High-Grade Silver Resource.

“They say the best place to discover a mine is in the shadow of a headframe.” Maria Smirnova, Portfolio Manager Sprott Asset Management Soon-to-be-listed on the TSX Venture Exchange with concurrent minimum financing of CDN$3 million...

Yields in Mid-Teens: How Vulnerable Are They?

Money manager Adrian Day looks at business development companies. Business development companies (BDCs) have been hit particularly hard, on concerns that small businesses to which they lend will not be able to repay loans. That concern is legitimate. The sto...

BIGG Digital Assets, Bitcoin Group, Chainalysis - why invest now?

BIGG Digital Assets, Bitcoin Group, Chainalysis - why invest now? The blockchain hype was around two years ago and a lot has changed since then. A consolidation phase has cleared the market and what has remained are the companies and teams that have been able to convin...

Virus Impact Unknown for Many Companies

Loews Corp. (L:NYSE, 33.70) reported a profit in the last quarter, driven by earnings at CNA Insurance and Boardwalk Pipelines, as well as investment income at the parent level. But investment income will likely disappear for the next quarter or so, while Diamond Offshor...

Stocks Have Not Seen Bottom Yet, Caution Called For

Most markets have enjoyed a meaningful rally off their lows of three to four weeks ago. The S&P is up nearly 30%, with the Business Development Companies up 50% and more, while global markets have also rallied, though typically less; the XAU index of gold stocks has risen...

A Favorite Explorer Is at a Good Price

Lara Exploration Ltd. (LRA:TSX.V, 0.54) is a diversified prospect generator, mostly with copper and copper-gold projects in Brazil and Peru. It aims to generate royalties from properties it generators, whether by staking or in some cases acquiring. Its main assets incl...

Stockhouse Media Alert: Podcasts from XFUTURE 2019

The Extraordinary Future Conference attracted more than 2,500 attendees to the Vancouver Convention Centre to gain insight from high-profile speakers and analysts on all things emerging from the cannabis and tech sector. And Stockhouse Media covered the event LI...
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