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Meet a Fast Growing Leader in Global Smart Buildings Technology

Energy efficiency is certainly no new concept. Since the OPEC oil embargo of the early 1970’s, industrial economies and multi-national corporations around the globe have spent trillions on new green energy solutions as a hedge against reliance on fossil fuels ...

A Sustainable Alternative Using Green Ammonia Systems

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the most vital way of protecting and ensuring the quality of life as a result of climate change. Companies like FuelPositive Corp. ( TSXV:NHHH , OTCQB:NHHHF , Forum ) are at the forefront of providing sustainable clean en...

POET Technologies (TSXV:PTK) (NASDAQ:POET) Delivers First-of-its-Kind Innovation at Industry Confere

POET (TSXV:PTK) will work with Vanguard Automation on solutions for co-packaged optics and AI-ML applications.

Will the 2020s Be Good or Bad for the Gold Market?

2010s have certainly been a roller coaster ride for gold. Will the 2020s then be better than the prior years for the yellow metal? Today’s article provides the macroeconomic outlook for the full decade – learn whether the fundamental factors will become in the ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who is Riding the Latest Waves?

(Image via Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.) Canadian mining company Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. ( TSX: IVN , Forum ) announced this week that the Kamoa-Kakula copper project’s Phase 1, 3.8 million million-tonne-per-annum (Mtpa) concentrator plant now is fully...

Danavation Technologies rapidly expands across North America

TMH: Driven by cutting-edge IoT automation technology and proprietary software, Danavation Technologies is the only electronic shelf label provider grounded and based in North America. The company has noted rapid expansion across Canada and the United States, providing c...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Don’t Get Spooked by these Market Performers

There is nothing scarier on Hallowe’en than an uncertain stock market. Lately, this is exactly what investors have been dealing with and part of what we try to demystify at Stockhouse. There have been many companies moving independent of the market...

Drone Delivery Canada Opens Operations Center

Last week, Drone Delivery Canada Corp. (FLT:TSX.V; TAKOF:OTCQB) (DDC), announced the completion of a high-tech Commercial Operations Center (COC), in Vaughan, Ontario. The COC is open and ready for business. This is a very important milestone for DDC. The state...

Xcyte Digital goes public with one-stop immersive event technology

Xcyte Digital Corp. (TSXV:XCYT) has accrued more than 150,000 events with more than 100 million participants through its acquired business assets. The company provides immersive technology solutions – which include virtual, augmented and extended reality for compan...

New Green Technology Offers Investors a Profitable Pathway To the Future of Alternative Farming

(Click to play video.) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Back in late January , we caught up the CEO of an innovative ag-tech company engaged in acquiring, patenting, and commercializing various agriculture technologies. Vancouver BC-based Affinor Growers Inc. ( CSE.AFI , OTC...
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