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Morning Market Outlook for Dec. 19, 2024

Stephen Whiteside of sets expectations for traders in Microsoft, Shopify, Canadian Natural Resources, Cenovus, Pembina, Palantir, Rigetti Computing, Archer Aviation and other top-traded stocks in Thursday’s Morning Market Outlook. Navi...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Feeling holiday blues, or celebrating blue chip stocks?

Are you anticipating a calm market as the holidays approach? Think again. Astute investors and brokers recognize that this is their moment to excel. With the global economy constantly shifting, staying active is the smart move. Over the past week, some shareholde...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Bombardier, world woes, a smart fridge, and top shelf weed

This past week, Canada’s main stock index, the TSX , hovered just shy of a new all-time high, buoyed by rising metal prices. However, the optimism was tempered as markets stuttered in response to renewed fears surrounding geopolitical tensions, particular...

Buzz on the Bullboards: More tricks or treats this investing season?

Hallowe’en is always a spooky season, between next week’s U.S. election, the spreading battles across the globe, and the cost of living … there is plenty to be scared about. Even so, your stock portfolio need not be one of those things. ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Cyanide, Bombardier and healthcare AI

Investors seem to be keeping their money at home this summer, given how the markets have performed in Toronto and New York. In New York, the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 reached new trading highs on more than one occasion in the past few days alone. This was driven by stron...

Buzz on the Bullboards: TSX spotlight – Bombardier, Sonoro, PyroGenesis

As the markets on Bay Street and Wall Street show mixed signals, tech stocks are rallying and energy shares are lagging, the TSX is still capturing attention with its activity in various sectors. This week, three publicly listed companies have been generating significan...

Buzz on the Bullboards: 3 stocks breaking the silence of a quiet June

“Sell in May and go away” is a theme investors and stock traders know well, and during this quieter month of June ahead of summer, some public Canadian companies have been engaging in serious business. This week, we saw the TSX hit a one-month ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Pulling gains out of volatile territory

As the global economy navigates uncertainties, investors have been watching the performance of key stock markets for insights into prevailing sentiment and economic health. Over the past week, the TSX and the trio of indices on Wall Street – the Dow Jones Industrial A...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Bombardier, Baytex and Tilray turn heads

North American stocks have had a strong week. Markets on both sides of the border responded well to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s vote to hold interest rates between 5.25 per cent and 5.50 per cent for a fifth straight meeting. The central bank has kept r...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Hot stocks from copper to Bombardier and AI

These leap-days are a rare treat. Not only is it an extra day to hold off on rent/mortgage payments, but an extra day to take stock of February’s wild ride. Last week, we saw the TSX hit a 22-month high while major U.S. indices also had their best pe...
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