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NexOptic: delivers AI solutions that reduce bandwidth

Our next company puts humans first, creating quality artificial intelligence solutions that offer patented solutions for energy savings, data compression and more. In May 2019, AlIIS was born. A machine-learning AI that is giving new life to imaging platforms by giving ac...

Data speeds are increasing to 1.6T – what does that mean for you?

By POET Technologies The internet is getting faster and what’s making it happen is the increase in data speeds from 400G to 800G and 1.6T – and eventually beyond. Modern life demands these increases because our world has an insatiable desire for ban...

Cisco Acquisition Sends Acacia Communications Shares into Orbit

Acacia Communications announced today that it will be acquired by Cisco Systems in an all cash deal. Acacia Communications Inc. (ACIA:NASDAQ) announced this morning that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Cisco Systems Inc. (C...

Big-Time Communications Play = A Profitable Small-Cap Opportunity

(Click image to play video) The importance of clear, reliable communications cannot be understated. From smartphones to emergency broadband radio transceivers to advanced military / civilian satellite systems…every aspect of our everyday lives is dependent on st...

Emerging Leader in AR Positioned in the $120 Billion AR Megatrend

Starwood Research takes a look at the investment proposition offered by this tech company, asserting it is the only "pure play" stock targeting four multibillion-dollar market opportunities. NexTech AR Solutions Corp. (NTAR:CSE; NEXCF:OTCQB) is an emerging leader in ...

Firm Acquires Stake in Innovative 5G Tech Company

Technical analyst Clive Maund profiles a company has taken a stake in a company that has 5G technology that eliminates the need for costly fiber optic cable infrastructure. Many of you are probably already aware that 5G is about to become one of the next Big Things, and...

Centrally Positioned Edge & 5G Stock on 'Verge of Second Powerful Impulsive Wave'

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts a semiconductor company that he believes is well positioned. The outlook for Lattice Semiconductor Corp. (LSCC:NASDAQ) is considered to be extraordinarily positive because it looks like it is centrally placed to capitalize on the i...

How a junior copper and gold explorer added the coveted Santa Cecilia project to its portfolio

The copper price has had a booming 2021 — having reached an all-time high of US$4.90 in May of this year — and companies in the space have been reaping the benefits of this year’s hottest metal. Meet Vancouver, BC-based Torq Resources Inc. ( TSXV:TORQ ,...

Building the Infrastructure for Next Generation 5G Wireless

As 5G mobile technology is just getting ramped up throughout North America, meeting the needs of installing new and exciting transformational infrastructure to support 5G – quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively – is of course, of vital importance. Eastower Wireless (...

Commercialization Accelerates for POET Technologies’ Platform Technology

At POET Technologies, we have been a company of “-ization”. We had a goal for the “legitimization” of photonics in the semiconductor industry and built a hybrid-integration solution to deliver on the “optimization&CloseCurlyDoub...
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