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Wounded Animals, Indeed

"The permabulls will tell you that the bullion banks and their treasury department conspirators have lost all power in this 'new paradigm' and we should relax and refrain from worry. I tend to disagree because wounded animals are the singular most dangerous of all creat...

I'm Mad as Hell: Long Live Howard Beale

In the 1976 movie "Network," British actor Peter Finch won an Academy Award for his stunning portrayal of news anchorman Howard Beale, whose on-air descent into insanity, prompted by the social and economic conditions of the times, is now legendary. The iconic scene whe...

Best-in-class Cannabis = Best-in-class Investment Opportunity

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) Today, in the publicly-traded retail cannabis sector, you need to deliver not only a quality, brand-name product but consistent shareholder value. Enter the new name in the game – Chalice Brands Ltd. ( CSE.CHAL , OTCMKTS: CHALF...

Golden Arrow Resources Completes Selling of 25% Interest in Puna Operations to SSR Mining; Exciting

The Critical Investor reviews Golden Arrow's deal with SSR Mining to sell its remaining interest, and also discusses the company's other projects. Golden Arrow Resources Corp. (GRG:TSX.V; GARWF:OTCQB; G6A:FSE) recently ended the seven-year-long Chinchillas adventur...