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Hunting High-Grade Gold & Silver in Nevada’s ‘Elephant Country’

In a recent Stockhouse article , we detailed how a Vancouver-based Canadian gold and silver exploration company maximized shareholder value to the very snappy tune of a seven-bagger return from June to early August of 2020. At press time, shares of Blackrock Gold Corp. ...

Falcon Gold does another victory lap with increased land holding

Falcon Gold (FG.V) does another victory lap with increased land holding I love it when a plan comes together. Little Falcon Gold (FG.V) , that only recently boasted the sort of market cap that would have bought you a 3 bedroom in Red Deer, announced Thursday it is enjo...

Malevolent Microbes

There is a local casino just "up the road" from where we reside that we visit (once in a blue moon), small sums of pocketed cash in hand, to play a few favored slot machines to see if we can defy the house odds and come home winners. Called The Great Blue Heron Casino, we...

Firm Acquires Stake in Innovative 5G Tech Company

Technical analyst Clive Maund profiles a company has taken a stake in a company that has 5G technology that eliminates the need for costly fiber optic cable infrastructure. Many of you are probably already aware that 5G is about to become one of the next Big Things, and...