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Q&A with Cerro de Pasco Resources: Newly appointed CTO on the value of sustainable mining

If the World Economic Forum is any authority on the subject, the mining and metals sector – in its inherent connection to almost all industry value chains – “is an integral part of any foreseeable economy and society.” To that end, and with an ever-growi...

Will gold be Paulson's next "Greatest Trade Ever?"

When famed hedge-fund manager John Paulson speaks, people listen. And it's no wonder. Paulson made his way into the financial history books thanks to what many now call the "greatest trade ever." Paulson & Co. shorted the subprime mortgage market before the collapse ba...

CENIT, SYZYGY, Triumph Gold - business models with upside potential

A well-diversified portfolio should always include different industries and regions. Depending on the investment horizon and risk profile, a wide range of investment opportunities are available on the capital market. In addition to well-known large companies, there are also in...

Desert Gold, Tesla, wallstreet:online - high share price gains through scalability

Investors prefer business models that are scalable. This applies to exploration, electromobility and also in the online world. Access to information and data is the key to success. Tesla shows the way, because the company is not a car manufacturer, but a technology company tha...

A recent PEA which demonstrates a very competitive uranium deposit

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Uranium has been making headlines with its supply and demand imbalance. Its price is bullish, and the trend has been predicted to continue well into the year. ...

Positive Cash Flow Extractor Manufacturer Turns its Mind to Psychedelics

“It’s all about visibility.” That’s how Calgary, AB-based MedXtractor Corp. (MXT) ( CSE.MXT , Forum ) is changing both the future of cannabis extraction and the burgeoning mental health science of psychedelics. ...

Where’s the "Big Money" headed now?

The remarkable week that just concluded actually began on February 12. Stocks plunged in the opening minutes of trading that morning as investors' faith in the global economic recovery was shaken. In China, policymakers again tightened monetary policy in a fight against rapi...

Will CoronaVirus Pandemic Trigger a Stocks Bear Market 2020? Part1

The stock market is confounding growing Coronavirus fears by recovering all of the late January's drop in the wake of Coronavirus news out of China that started global alarm bells ringing of what could transpire right across the world. The Dow retraced all of its drop from 2...


ZAIR: SHIFT THE PERSPECTIVE With stock markets crashing like there was no tomorrow, the fear of a global recession is becoming a reality. During such times, smart institutional and private investors don‘t watch from the sidelines but are deploying their capital...

The promise of AI

In ‘The Terminator’ series of action films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, a cybernetic organism (cyborg) is programmed from the future to go back in time and kill the mother of the scientist who leads the fight against Skynet, an artificial intelligence syst...
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