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The Golden Bullet for Drug Delivery

It’s the Holy Grail in the cannabis industry. Everyone is trying to innovate the best delivery system to optimize the “bioavailability” (uptake) of medical cannabis in order to offer the perfect pairing -- precise dosing with a fast on...

The Case for Buying Precious Metals

Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable speaks with Andy Schectman, president of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, about the rationale for buying precious metals and the best values at this time. Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is And...

Precious metals taking a breather

This year at AOTH we have tackled a number of reasons for gold and silver’s rise, aiming to explain “in layman’s terms” what is behind the seemingly relentless move upward - despite the trend-busting reality of a high US ...

David Smith: 'Common Sense 2.0' Is a Call to Action to Hold Government Accountable

Maurice Jackson: Today, we're going to discuss a very, very important topic and that is debt slavery. We're also going to discuss common sense, and more importantly, what actions you need to take to protect your family. Joining us for a conversation is David Smith from m...

Will Gold Benefit from Trump Impeachment Proceedings?

This week, Nancy Pelosi announced that the House would launch a formal impeachment inquiry. Is it a well-grounded argument, publicity stunt or reflection of the growing polarization inside the Democratic party? Storm in a tea cup or not, should Trump be worried? And gold? W...

AI & Humor in the Workplace … A Laughing Matter?

We have all worried about “robots taking our jobs”, but working in a creative field, I’ve always had a high-and-mighty belief that no mere machine could do what I do … until they could. Running a certain set of parameters through an ar...

WATCH: Interviews With Some Of The Biggest Execs From The Cannabis Capital Conference

Benzinga’s 2019 Cannabis Capital Conference in Miami gathered some of the most prestigious cannabis executives, service providers, investors and media in the constantly expanding space. More than 700 attendees had exclusive access to company updates, indus...

Conversation with Katusa: The Biggest Short Squeeze in History

“We’re going to go through the biggest short squeeze in history, and it just so happens to be on the dollar.” Dear Reader, If you aren’t paying attention to the global squeeze of U.S. Dollars then you need to...

How to Unrig the Gold Market, According to GATA’s Chris Powell

In an earlier post, I gave you a sneak preview of my interview with Chris Powell, secretary/treasurer at Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA). For 20 years now, Chris and others at GATA have made it their mission to expose collusion by international financial institutions...

Idaho Gold Developer Demonstrates Post-Tax 53% IRR

At the 2019 Beaver Creek Precious Metals Summit last week in Beaver Creek, Colorado, I had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with numerous junior mining management teams. Due to a rising gold price environment, the expectation and general mood among the management team...
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