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Retrophin Shares Fall 30% on Failed Phase 3 FORT Study

Shares of Retrophin fell to a 52-week low on the news that topline results from its fosmetpantotenate Phase 3 FORT Study for PKNA treatment failed to meet expectations. Biopharmaceutical firm Retrophin Inc. (RTRX:NASDAQ) shares are trading much lower today as the co...

Magnesium, This Critical Mineral Opportunity has Nowhere to Go But Up

(Project map via West High Yield Resources.) Investors eyeing opportunities in the hot gold, silver, and rare earth element (REE) markets may have a lot of options, but few check as many boxes as West High Yield Resources Ltd. ( TSX-V: WHY , OTC: WHYRF , ...

Nov 23rd 2019, Crypto Chartbook – Why markets work

Why markets work We as humans are fooled by a brain that functions on comparison. However, based on the true principle, every moment is unique and we expand with every time increment into an absolutely new future (big bang theory). We would be overwhelmed by the vastness o...

US Stock Market Enters Parabolic Price Move – Be Prepared, Part I

After the recent COVID-19 virus event and the global market concerns that will warrant caution for skilled traders and investors, the US stock markets have entered an upside parabolic trend that will likely end with a massive price collapse – extremely volatile and aggressiv...

The Right Tools at the Right Time to Control Crop Disease & Boost Yields

Download the episode here . Agri-tech Company Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. ( TSX-V: BEE , OTCQB: BEVVF , Forum ) has pioneered a unique and natural precision agriculture system that uses commercially-grown bees to deliver biological crop ...

How to Buy Penny Stocks

A "penny stock" (also known as a micro-cap stock) is a publicly-traded stock with an extremely low price per share – usually under five dollars and often less than a dollar (hence the name "penny" stock). They are typically issued by small, less-established companies. Be ...

Calculate the Trading Strategies' Profitability like a Pro

Investors venture into cryptocurrency trading to gain profits. They employ customized trading strategies, portfolio management strategies, and progressive investment decisions throughout their trade. Due to the progressive nature of trading, tracking one&CloseCurlyQuote...

The Market Opportunity in Producing Better Products for a Better Environment

(Click image to play podcast) good, natured Products Inc. ( TSX-V: GDNP , OTC: SLGBF , Forum ) is a plant-based products and packaging Company that makes the products you use every day better … by producing and distributing sustainable products made with the...

Evotec, Memphasys, MorphoSys - Growth Industry Health

He who is healthy has many desires, he who is ill only one. Companies around the globe deal with diseases and special features of nature in order to treat or cure them. In addition to the widespread disease of cancer, there are also topics that are less talked about, but are a...

Implications for Gold – 2007-9 Great Recession vs. 2020 Coronavirus Crisis

When the economic crisis hits, the first instinct is to analyze the previous catastrophes to learn what to expect from and how to handle the current calamity. So, not surprisingly, many analysts have already pointed to the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) as the most rel...
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