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Revolutionizing vascular grafting with a durable solution

Our next guest is a multi-technology biomedical company, focused on the development and commercialization of medical technologies. Marizyme Inc. (OTCQB:MRZM) has had its sights set on development of medical technology and products, one of which is DuraGraft. J...

Advancing an underexplored area of the Yukon with the same geology as B.C’.s Golden Triangle

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Our next company is Cascadia Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:CAM) , which is focused on exploring for copper and gold in the Yukon and British Columbia. And joining us t...

Feeling the Pulse Reveals Brand New Opportunities in Currencies

Don’t be deceived by the lack of sizable moves in the currencies. They just want to lull you to sleep as they set sail on their next moves. By then, it could be too late to catch them. Doing so would certainly expose you to more risk while decreasing the potent...

One of the largest precious metals developments in the Toogoddone District

Benchmark Metals (TSXV:BNCH) has a strong record of evaluating and advancing mining projects from inception to production. The mineral exploration company is keenly focused on its Lawyer’s Gold and Silver project which is 100 per cent owned by the co...

This China sector is ramping up

Share | "Are you sure this is one of the top hospitals in Beijing? The paint's peeling!" This was my reaction after spending five minutes in a Chinese hospital. I asked our associate to do his best to snap some pictures without anyone noticing. (When your...

The Company that’s Delivering Medicalized Ibogaine-Centered Addiction Care

Universal Ibogaine Inc. (UI) ( TSX-V.IBO , Forum ) is a company uniquely-positioned to address the opioid epidemic through a safe, effective, and proven plant medicine – Ibogaine – and a proven treatment protocol which has successfully treated thousands of patients. ...

Health Canada Approvals Set Stage for Revenue Generation

(Click image to play video) From the Earth to the Bottle! That’s one Calgary pharmaceutical company’s motto. Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. ( TSX-V.VM , OTC: VYYRF , Forum ) is focused on sourcing and manufacturing iod...

Biotech Firm ''Creating Innovative Solutions' for Female Health

The company's most advanced assets are discussed in a Dawson James Securities report. In a July 18 research note, Dawson James Securities analyst Jason Kolbert reported he assumed coverage on Daré Bioscience Inc. (DARE:NASDAQ) , and in doing so, rated it Bu...

New Era for Ad-Tech Company as It Becomes Public and Grows Rapidly

This profitable small-cap company, which saw Q1 adjusted EBITDA increase 288% over the prior year, just announced landing a major client. In 2019, digital ad spend in the United States will surpass traditional ad revenues, according to eMarketer . It es...

Not just a gold company

Green River Gold is a Canadian mineral exploration company who acknowledges how EVs are driving the need for battery metals. Most recently, big things have been happening at its Quesnel Nickel Project in the Cariboo Mining District in South-Central British Columbia....
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