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Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s Hot and Who’s Not

The Stockhouse Bullboards serve a number of functions for our Community. They can be convenient sources for news and information, and on the more active Bullboards there is also discussion/debate among Members. Overall traffic to the various Bullboards allows Stockhouse to...

Barrick Gold, Osino Resources, Triumph Gold - who will double next?

August 4th, 2020 will probably go down in history books, the day when the gold price first climbed above the USD 2,000.00 mark. But perhaps it will also lose significance, because the USD 2,500.00 and USD 3,000.00 mark may soon fall. Why? Quite simply because, as the money sup...

Executing Our Vision, Achieving Our Global Potential: A Letter to Shareholders

Dear Fellow Legible Shareholders, I want to thank you for your continued support, faith, and trust in the Legible team to execute on our vision to revolutionize the global eBook marketplace for readers, publishers, and authors through our innovative eBook entertainment pl...

Buzz on the Bullboards: From innovating traffic enforcement to cancer breakthroughs

The past week on the TSX has been one for the books, with significant gains driven largely by advancements in the technology sector. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have hit fresh highs, a clear sign of a hungry market bolstered by technology stocks. This momentum has put a spot...

Monthly Breadth: Dark Clouds Or A Ray Of Hope?

MONTHLY BREADTH - MARCH 2000 Last week’s post looked at a weekly volume-based breadth indicator. With June in the history books, it is a good time to review the message from monthly breadth charts. As shown below, the monthly NYSE Advance-Decline Line peaked in 1998 and thu...

Should you buy SLV the silver ETF?

Charts presented in this report are courtesy Featured is the daily bar chart for SLV. Price has risen for five days, but volume has not yet supported the rise. This lack of volume could be because more and more people are becoming aware of the f...

The World's Largest Oil Company And Petrochemical Company Merge

The long awaited Saudi Aramco acquisition of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) is finally here. With a statement to the press, Aramco CEO Amin Nasser reported that Aramco has acquired a 70 percent stake in SABIC, with an estimated value of $69.1 billion. Aramco's ...

Updating January's Rare S&P 500 Setup

THIRD CONSECUTIVE MONTHLY CLOSE As described in detail below, when the S&P 500 closed above the monthly Bollinger Band centerline at the end of January, it aligned the present day with favorable historical probabilities and also provided some distance from setups in the 197...

Blackrock Swings for the Fences for Gold in Nevada

I finished my latest book in January. It took another month to get the layout and a cover made just right for it. Since that time about ten thousand people have bought the book or downloaded the Kindle version for free. It is one of the highest rated books I have ever...

Excellent metallurgical results reveal some high gold grades

Welcome to The Market Herald Canada’s Capital Compass. Our next company is a publicly traded precious- and base-metal explorer, with headquarters in Vancouver. Joining us today is Marshall Koval, CEO and director of Luminex Resources Corp. (TSXV:LR)...
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