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Star Navigation Systems Group: What is an Inflight Safety Monitoring System and why is this tech uni

Star Navigation bridges the gap between flight experience and flight safety. In the aerospace industry, the Ontario-based aviation safety tech company offers both hardware and software solutions that work in real-time. The company continues to gain traction with ...

Video – A2Z Revolutionizes Car Safety with FTICS

FTICS movie v1 from A2Z Technologies Canada Corp on Vimeo . Many life-changing product innovations have come from militaries, and A2Z Technologies Canada Corp. ( TSX-V:AZ , Forum ) is using their 30-year history of supplying military defense technology and service...

Star Navigation: Bridging the gap between flight experience and flight safety in real-time

Star Navigation bridges the gap between flight experience and flight safety in real time. When it comes to the aerospace industry, the Ontario-based leading-edge technology company offers both hardware and software solutions. The company’s real-time ca...

Building on success: Silvercorp’s acquisition of Adventus

By Francois Kalos Background Silvercorp Metals ( NYSE-A:SVM; TSX:SVM ) is a Canadian silver-focused mining company with a strong track record of profit generation and production growth. Over the past two decades, Silvercorp has established its presence in Chi...

Star Navigation Systems Group: Aviation safety tech company offers both hardware and software soluti

Star Navigation bridges the gap between flight experience and flight safety. In the aerospace industry, the Ontario-based aviation safety tech company offers both hardware and software solutions that work in real-time. The company is gaining real traction with its app...

Currencies Show A Shift to Safety And Maturity – What Does It Mean?

Recent rotation in multiple foreign currencies hints at the fact that a new stage of the “Capital Shift” process is taking place and that skilled technical investors need to pay very close attention to how these currencies continue to react over the next ...

Treasuries Pause Near Resistance Before The Next Rally

Our research team believes the US Treasuries and the US Dollar will continue to strengthen over the next 2 to 6+ weeks as foreign market and emerging market credit and debt concerns outweigh any concerns originating from the US economy or political theater. Overall, the major ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Larger the Hubs, the Heavier the Debates

(Image via BlackBerry Ltd.) Several of Stockhouse’s larger Bullboard hubs have set off serious debates on the future direction of some companies following significant moves this past week. Though a few of these companies have been basking in goo...

Building the Infrastructure for Next Generation 5G Wireless

As 5G mobile technology is just getting ramped up throughout North America, meeting the needs of installing new and exciting transformational infrastructure to support 5G – quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively – is of course, of vital importance. Eastower Wireless (...

New Rugged Handset Could Be A Game Changer For Siyata Mobile

First responders deserve better. Their traditional land mobile radio (LMR) setups are clunky, offer only low data speeds, and have limited coverage with dead zones that often slow down response times. Siyata Mobile Inc. ( NASDAQ: SYTA , Forum ) , with its push-to-talk ov...
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