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A Ground Floor Lithium Opportunity in a Prolific Lithium District

As the global demand for high-grade lithium continues to escalate, so does the market and the boots-on-the-ground exploration companies on the hunt for the new “white gold.”Toronto-based Lithium...

Nickel surplus to be diminished by Indonesian export ban

Why does nickel continue to be in great demand? The simple answer is that nickel has better corrosion resistance, better toughness and better strength at high and low temperatures than other metals, as well as a range of special magnetic and electronic properties. It is also...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Speculative Buyers Betting on Increasing Demand Growth

The momentum is currently to the upside and could pick up speed if speculators, betting on increased demand, can drive prices through last week’s highs with conviction. James Hyerczyk U.S. We...

Aphria, Cronos Group, EXMceuticals - it is a buyers' market!

The shares of numerous well-known and unknown cannabis companies have had a dramatic year 2019. Price losses of over 50% are not uncommon. What costs only half today may have become twice as attractive. Due to the large number of cannabis companies listed on the stock exchange...

I'm Mad as Hell: Long Live Howard Beale

In the 1976 movie "Network," British actor Peter Finch won an Academy Award for his stunning portrayal of news anchorman Howard Beale, whose on-air descent into insanity, prompted by the social and economic conditions of the times, is now legendary. The iconic scene whe...

No Rules, No Game, No Spectators

There are times in my life where I am forced to fight the urge to do harm to people, something that I have never enjoyed, even when I was playing hockey in the violent Southern Hockey League in 1977. I have taken spears to the groin, butt-ends to the face, hooks to...

The Junior Explorer That’s on the Hunt for the World’s Hottest Metal

The electric vehicle boom. The mass electrification of developing economies. Within a decade, the world may face a colossal shortfall of what is arguably the most critical metal for the new global economy – copper. This raises the questions of where, when, and how to discov...

A Tale of Two Markets

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the win...

Weimar Fed in the Twenty-First Century

I was pacing around the house this lovely but cold Friday afternoon (after finally having the water supply restored after our well filed for unemployment benefits), trying desperately to think of a topic to write about in this weekly missive, when it suddenly occurred t...

Q4 Guesstimates: Precious Metals, Miners and Stocks

You have all heard me opine about the (un)dependability of rules-based investing in a managed market environment, where it is not kosher for a financial advisor to fire off a promotional tweet about their favorite stock but it is perfectly acceptable for a sitting presi...
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