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The 411 on dividends

The dividend is a critical component of the stock market ecosystem that allows companies to reward shareholders for their conviction. To learn more about dividends, check out the video above. Join the discussion: Find out what everybody’s saying...

Receive 7% dividends from America's most profitable stock

Makers of cigarettes and the U.S. government must play a bizarre game... and not one American in 100,000 understands it. Everyone knows cigarettes are "evil." On Friday, the state of Kansas will ban smoking in indoor public places. And in San Francisco, they're cl...

Calculate the Trading Strategies' Profitability like a Pro

Investors venture into cryptocurrency trading to gain profits. They employ customized trading strategies, portfolio management strategies, and progressive investment decisions throughout their trade. Due to the progressive nature of trading, tracking one&CloseCurlyQuote...

What is the 'kiddie tax' when gifting stock?

The kiddie tax means that income from investments gains earned by a child from a gifted stock will be taxed at the parent’s tax rate, not the child’s tax rate. The kiddie tax applies to interest income, dividends, and capital ga...

Can the Bull Market Run for Another 10 Years?

The current stock bull market, already the longest in U.S. history, turns 10 years old this month. It’s been a phenomenally profitable time to participate, especially if you’ve stuck to an investment strategy that favors dividend-paying stocks. As you can see in the ch...

My two favourite stocks for generating income

In last week's DailyWealth, Steve Sjuggerud published compelling research suggesting the worst is past and there's another bubble coming. The Federal Reserve is the reason. We've never before seen recessions when the Federal Reserve is in "accommodating" mode and interest ra...

Will the Transitory Inflation Turn into a Tailwind for Gold?

Chair Powell claims that subdued inflation is caused by transitory factors. Does the recent data confirms his views? And just how transitory is the new tariff rate on $200bn Chinese imports? Will we see a creep higher in inflation about to lift the gold prices? CPI Edges Up...

It Looks Normal But It Ain't

Rudi Fronk and Jim Anthony, cofounders of Seabridge Gold, explain why they believe current economic trends favor gold. Buy equities and sell gold because the economy is strong and the Fed is supportive? Really? We think you should not be fooled by the re...

The examination of Apple earnings trade idea - part II

Last week we discussed some of the fundamental concepts necessary to understand both the behavior of options in the approach to earnings release and their reaction to the actual release itself. Our example was Apple Inc. ( NASDAQ: AAPL , Stock Forum ) which indeed reporte...

The Calandra Report: Mandalay, MND The Dividend

September 24, 2014 TORONTO -- Sweden, Australia, Chile. Two top executives own 8.5 percent of the shares. Six percent of trailing revenue dividends to shareholders four times a year. "No additional capital raising." That is a direct quotation. No debt raising ...
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