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The Game-changing FinTech Company You Need to Know About

Back in June , we introduced our Stockhouse investor audience to an emerging FinTech giant and took a deep dive into how this Canadian company is on the forefront of developing artificial intelligence (AI) that transforms data into knowledge. Toronto ON-based Analyti...

Meet The First Publicly Traded Company Focused on Exposure to Altcoins and DeFi

Although bitcoin is still the leader in cryptocurrencies, altcoins are surging in prominence as top ones such as Ethereum and Litecoin continue to rise to the forefront. Altcoins are exactly what they sound like: alternative cryptocurrencies to bitcoin although they sha...

Getchell Gold chasing Carlin-style gold at Fondaway Canyon

Getchell Gold (CSE:GTCH) announced on October 17, 2019 a binding letter of agreement with Canarc Resource Corp. (TSX:CCM) to acquire Fondaway Canyon. Fondaway includes 136 contiguous, unpatented mining claims, covering about 2,220 acres (898 hectares), or 3.5 square mi...

“Bonanza-Grade Results” at Mexican Gold & Silver Project

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) When Stockhouse Editorial last visited with Fabled Silver Gold Corp. (FCO) ( TSX-V: FCO , OTCMKTS: FBSGF , Forum ) in February, we learned about the company’s ‘expertise, exploration, and execution&CloseCurlyQuot...

The gold mining paradox: Gold mines make money, gold investors do not

By Jonathan Goodman and Matthew GoodmanIn a May 5th, 2021 Bloomberg news article titled ‘Gold CEO Blasts ‘Hysterical’ Investors Chasing Quick Cash’ Barrick Gold Corp. CEO Mark Bristow was quoted...

NV Gold chasing high-grade Au in Nevada

NV Gold (TSX-V:NVX, US-NVGLF) has big plans for 2019 having just doubled the claims on its flagship Frazier Dome Gold Project in the famed Tonopah Gold District of Nevada. On Tuesday, NV Gold released its summer exploration agenda, in conjunction with announcing it...

Investors Run From Stocks At Record Pace

BIGGEST WITHDRAWALS ON RECORD There is a lot of relevant information in the text below from a Wall Street Journal article dated December 8, 2019 : “Investors have pulled $135.5 billion from U.S. stock-focused mutual funds and exchange-traded funds so far this year, th...

The U.S. Dollar: A global market powerhouse investors can’t ignore

The U.S. dollar isn’t just America’s currency—it’s the backbone of global finance. From trade and debt markets to investment flows, its movements send ripples through economies worldwide. For investors, understanding the dol...

Gold Miners Will Rush to this New Cost-Saving Tech

(Image via EnviroLeach Technologies Inc.) New technology is emerging as a potential standard to address two market sectors totaling $193 billion, through eco-friendly methods for the hydrometallurgical extraction of precious metals …. Pioneered by EnviroLe...

Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part I

One thing that continues to amaze our research team is the total scale and scope of the Capital Shift which is taking place across the globe. For almost 5+ years, foreign investors have been piling into the US stock market chasing the stronger US dollar and continued advance...
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