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What is the 'kiddie tax' when gifting stock?

The kiddie tax means that income from investments gains earned by a child from a gifted stock will be taxed at the parent’s tax rate, not the child’s tax rate. The kiddie tax applies to interest income, dividends, and capital ga...

A Boomer's Plea

I was born in the 1950s, a decade dominated by thousands of WWII servicemen marrying and starting families in the creation of the largest demographic in history, the "Baby Boom Generation." The 1950s saw Elvis Presley dominate the entertainment industry with ten #1 hits a...

Weimar Fed in the Twenty-First Century

I was pacing around the house this lovely but cold Friday afternoon (after finally having the water supply restored after our well filed for unemployment benefits), trying desperately to think of a topic to write about in this weekly missive, when it suddenly occurred t...

The Market Opportunity in Producing Better Products for a Better Environment

(Click image to play podcast) good, natured Products Inc. ( TSX-V: GDNP , OTC: SLGBF , Forum ) is a plant-based products and packaging Company that makes the products you use every day better … by producing and distributing sustainable products made with the...

Price-Leading Fuel Cell Technology with Zero CO2 Emissions

A fuel cell is a clean electrical power conversion/generation system, akin to a small power station that provides electricity and an equivalent amount of heat for various purposes. Alkaline Fuel Cell Power Corp. ( NEO.PWWR , Forum ) is at the forefront of this technolo...

Jayant Bhandari: East Asia Will Be a Post-Pandemic Success

In conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, Jayant Bhandari of Capitalism and Morality offers his take on what the post-COVID-19 world will look like. Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Jayant Bhandari, the founder of Capitalism & M...

Group Ten Delivers World-Class Drill Results for PGM

The world is at an interesting junction. Awash in debt caused by promises that governments cannot possibly fulfill, civil disorder takes place in at least fourteen different countries. The U.S. political system has tied itself into partisan knots in an effort to replay ...

Medigene, Memphasys, Qiagen - which stocks belong in the portfolio?

In times of price fluctuations, so-called 'buy on dips' strategy can be an effective method of achieving a favorable entry price for listed companies. Global trends as a framework can be decisive for a successful investment decision. For a modern society, the healthcare sector...

AMS, Memphasys, Osram, ProSiebenSat.1 Media - valuable access to customers

Access to customers is of high importance for most companies. Building brands is also a matter of trust. Before a company or product is established as a brand, an average of seven contacts or encounters must have taken place. The situation is different with recommendations fro...

Gaia Grow Corp. Plants 1,494 Acres of Hemp in Canada and Plans First Harvest in 2 Months

Gaia Grow Corp. CEO Frederick Pels speaks with Peter Epstein of Epstein Research on the day his company begins trading on the TSX Venture Exchange. Gaia Grow Corp. (GAIA:TSX.V) (formerly Spirit Bear Capital) announced that effective August 1, its shares will ...
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