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Central Banks’ Gold Buying and Repatriation Spree

Central banks’ purchases and repatriations of gold have caught our attention once again. In October, Serbia’s central bank bought 9 tons of gold , following in the footsteps of many other central banks that have been adding to their gold reserv...

News Flash!

"Never trust anything a banker (broker) tells you."—former billionaire (now millionaire) Here is a news flash: I am sick to death of The Fed, unelected demigods that rarely, if ever, had to meet payroll. I am also completely disgusted with this unholy "Divine Right ...

The Brilliant Hidden Agenda Behind Trump’s Greenland Buyout

“ Build the wall! ” he chanted. And they laughed. Until he actually started building the wall. “ Cut corporate taxes! ” he campaigned. And they laughed. Until the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. “Buy Greenland...

Looking for Gold in Elephant Country

As Newrange Gold shifts its focus to Nevada, it is monetizing its Colombian properties to fund exploration. Newrange Gold Corp.'s (NRG:TSX.V; NRGOF:OTC) focus is squarely on Nevada, where it acquired the high-grade Pamlico gold project in 2016. The company is in the ...

Elephant country gold deposits …

A 0.25% increase to India’s bank rate last Friday coincided with a major reversal in the currency markets. The rupee closed out the day even against the US$, which had reversed its recent slide and gained against most other currencies. Over the past year the ...

“A Low Risk Gold Opportunity” in the Heart of Nevada’s Elephant Country

Back in July , Stockhouse Editorial introduced our audience to Nevada’s newest and fastest-growing gold miner – i-80 Gold Corp. ( TSX.IAU , OTC: IAUCF , Forum ). In a recent exclusive video Q&A podcast, Stockhouse Media’s Dave Jackson wa...

VIDEO: Plexus Tech Generates Energy & Money

Generating electricity has always been a profitable business, but when you add in the potential of crypto-mining, that value skyrockets. Investors might be surprised to learn that one of the best places to generate electricity is right here in Canada. The coun...

Brazil looks like a buying opportunity again

Brazil continues to impress as a country and economy, due in no small way to its government’s multi-year efforts and determination to make it an important global presence. Brazil is the fifth-largest country in the world by geographical area and populati...

Next big shale gas boom

Which country has the most shale gas reserves outside of the United States and China? Canada? Nope. Australia? Wrong again. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Argentina ranks third in recoverable shale gas reserves. Argentina has 774 trill...

The Junior Explorer That’s on the Hunt for the World’s Hottest Metal

The electric vehicle boom. The mass electrification of developing economies. Within a decade, the world may face a colossal shortfall of what is arguably the most critical metal for the new global economy – copper. This raises the questions of where, when, and how to discov...
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